jquery Programming Glossary: borders
jQuery Drag/Resize with CSS Transform Scale http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10212683/jquery-drag-resize-with-css-transform-scale this.offset.parent.top The offsetParent's offset without borders offset border .browser.safari .browser.version 526 this.cssPosition.. this.offset.parent.left The offsetParent's offset without borders offset border .browser.safari .browser.version 526 this.cssPosition..
How can I duplicate Pinterest website's modal effect? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11252579/how-can-i-duplicate-pinterest-websites-modal-effect if required to avoid any Close Button skin graphics and borders. The lightbox can then use a single template file with a div..
Setting CSS value limits of the window scrolling animation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11971475/setting-css-value-limits-of-the-window-scrolling-animation true this will calculate header's full height with borders margins paddings console.log headerH var scrollVal this .scrollTop..
Getting CSS border value with jQuery in Firefox 14.0.1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12226073/getting-css-border-value-with-jquery-in-firefox-14-0-1 .css 'border' 'solid 2px red' .css 'border' The red image borders appear but it returns an empty string why is this It works fine..
CSS issue on Twitter Typeahead with Bootstrap 3 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18059161/css-issue-on-twitter-typeahead-with-bootstrap-3 line up with the tt hint. So I made sure the margins and borders line up. Taking Hieu Nguyen's answer and adding border radius..
How to apply 100% height to div? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1818467/how-to-apply-100-height-to-div with the maximum height available. If you have margins borders of padding applied you might have to adjust the value which..
Unusual shape of a textarea? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20728150/unusual-shape-of-a-textarea qgfP6 1 As you can see you have to play a little with borders if you want the same result as you requested in your post. The.. every side. Next red blocks has to be sticked to hide top borders of the main div and you need to apply border to them only on..
How do you create a toggle button? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/309081/how-do-you-create-a-toggle-button of the button. Example with a up down effect given by borders HTML a id button title button Press Me a CSS a background #ccc..
how to center jqGrid popup modal window? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3967488/how-to-center-jqgrid-popup-modal-window days and everything is working cool.so far so good. What borders me is that when you click on edit button in the NavGrid without..
Creating a hole in a <div> element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4344906/creating-a-hole-in-a-div-element element that even a transparent element can have colored borders meaning that you might be able to reach into in between spots..
How do I efficiently highlight element under mouse cursor with an overlay? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4711023/how-do-i-efficiently-highlight-element-under-mouse-cursor-with-an-overlay Einstein would agree 1. The easy nice Demo1 overlay or borders FF needs v3.0 var box div class 'outer' .css display none position.. box.show 2. The fast robust Demo2 only supports borders var box new Overlay body .mouseover function e var el e.target..
How to set column widths to a jQuery datatable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5590778/how-to-set-column-widths-to-a-jquery-datatable couple pixels to account for whatever padding margins and borders you have. You'll probably still have some issues though. I don't..
How to merge cells in jqGrid 4.0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5625325/how-to-merge-cells-in-jqgrid-4-0 a colspan 2 or more . So far I've been able to get the borders to work properly using the cellattr option in the column model..
Add background color and border to table row on hover using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/688222/add-background-color-and-border-to-table-row-on-hover-using-jquery But I'm unable to add a border color. I realize borders can't be directly applied to a table row tag but I'm hoping..
How to create a diagonal line within a table cell? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8127035/how-to-create-a-diagonal-line-within-a-table-cell with the quality of rendering of triangles made ‹â€‹with css borders so I used the css rotation. I think this is a better work and..
ie javascript form submit with file input http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9396411/ie-javascript-form-submit-with-file-input I mean that I have moved the actual file field beyond the borders of the page with css that I have a custom input field and button..
Why is the centering of my map off in my jQuery Mobile / Google Maps API3 application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9776761/why-is-the-centering-of-my-map-off-in-my-jquery-mobile-google-maps-api3-applic jQuery Mobile web application. I added a circle with black borders on it. If you go to this page of my app with the map directly..
jQuery Drag/Resize with CSS Transform Scale http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10212683/jquery-drag-resize-with-css-transform-scale nodes Relative offset from element to offset parent this.offset.parent.top The offsetParent's offset without borders offset border .browser.safari .browser.version 526 this.cssPosition 'fixed' 0 this.cssPosition 'fixed' this.scrollParent.scrollTop.. nodes Relative offset from element to offset parent this.offset.parent.left The offsetParent's offset without borders offset border .browser.safari .browser.version 526 this.cssPosition 'fixed' 0 this.cssPosition 'fixed' this.scrollParent.scrollLeft..
How can I duplicate Pinterest website's modal effect? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11252579/how-can-i-duplicate-pinterest-websites-modal-effect to use all of the viewport modifying the lightbox CSS rules if required to avoid any Close Button skin graphics and borders. The lightbox can then use a single template file with a div that's populated by AJAX. Said div is horizontally centered..
Setting CSS value limits of the window scrolling animation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11971475/setting-css-value-limits-of-the-window-scrolling-animation function window .scroll function var headerH '.header' .outerHeight true this will calculate header's full height with borders margins paddings console.log headerH var scrollVal this .scrollTop if scrollVal headerH when scroll value reach to your..
Getting CSS border value with jQuery in Firefox 14.0.1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12226073/getting-css-border-value-with-jquery-in-firefox-14-0-1 I run the following code in the Firebug console. 'img' .css 'border' 'solid 2px red' .css 'border' The red image borders appear but it returns an empty string why is this It works fine in Chrome and Safari developer tools. Update The jQuery..
CSS issue on Twitter Typeahead with Bootstrap 3 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18059161/css-issue-on-twitter-typeahead-with-bootstrap-3 styling it looks like the form control class doesn't quite line up with the tt hint. So I made sure the margins and borders line up. Taking Hieu Nguyen's answer and adding border radius and support for input small input large CSS .twitter typeahead..
How to apply 100% height to div? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1818467/how-to-apply-100-height-to-div offset of the div from the height of the window you are left with the maximum height available. If you have margins borders of padding applied you might have to adjust the value which is substracted for example 'div last' .height window .height..
Unusual shape of a textarea? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20728150/unusual-shape-of-a-textarea right of the main div JSFiddle of the example http jsfiddle.net qgfP6 1 As you can see you have to play a little with borders if you want the same result as you requested in your post. The main div has the blue border on every side. Next red blocks.. requested in your post. The main div has the blue border on every side. Next red blocks has to be sticked to hide top borders of the main div and you need to apply border to them only on particular sides bottom and left for the right block bottom..
How do you create a toggle button? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/309081/how-do-you-create-a-toggle-button and two background image for styling the two different status of the button. Example with a up down effect given by borders HTML a id button title button Press Me a CSS a background #ccc cursor pointer border top solid 2px #eaeaea border left solid..
how to center jqGrid popup modal window? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3967488/how-to-center-jqgrid-popup-modal-window Delete Confirmation Box I've started using jqGrid for few days and everything is working cool.so far so good. What borders me is that when you click on edit button in the NavGrid without selecting a row it shows a centered modal popup notifying..
Creating a hole in a <div> element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4344906/creating-a-hole-in-a-div-element it might be helpful to remember when defining the transparent element that even a transparent element can have colored borders meaning that you might be able to reach into in between spots without adding extra elements. share improve this answer..
How do I efficiently highlight element under mouse cursor with an overlay? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4711023/how-do-i-efficiently-highlight-element-under-mouse-cursor-with-an-overlay put it back. They're faster than light I can tell you. Even Einstein would agree 1. The easy nice Demo1 overlay or borders FF needs v3.0 var box div class 'outer' .css display none position absolute zIndex 65000 background rgba 255 0 0 .3 .appendTo.. 1 height el.outerHeight 1 left offset.left top offset.top box.show 2. The fast robust Demo2 only supports borders var box new Overlay body .mouseover function e var el e.target var offset el.offset box.render el.outerWidth el.outerHeight..
How to set column widths to a jQuery datatable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5590778/how-to-set-column-widths-to-a-jquery-datatable grid style width 650px You'll have to adjust the 650 by a couple pixels to account for whatever padding margins and borders you have. You'll probably still have some issues though. I don't see enough horizontal space for all those columns without..
How to merge cells in jqGrid 4.0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5625325/how-to-merge-cells-in-jqgrid-4-0 in a jqGrid that is I want to make cells for specific rows have a colspan 2 or more . So far I've been able to get the borders to work properly using the cellattr option in the column model with something like this colModel name a width 50 cellattr..
Add background color and border to table row on hover using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/688222/add-background-color-and-border-to-table-row-on-hover-using-jquery color' '#FFFF99' function this .css 'background color' '#FFFFFF' But I'm unable to add a border color. I realize borders can't be directly applied to a table row tag but I'm hoping someone know some jQuery voodoo magic that can find the table..
How to create a diagonal line within a table cell? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8127035/how-to-create-a-diagonal-line-within-a-table-cell any width and height of a table cell. Edit I was not happy with the quality of rendering of triangles made ‹â€‹with css borders so I used the css rotation. I think this is a better work and the lines are render better http jsfiddle.net zw3Ve 21 Using..
ie javascript form submit with file input http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9396411/ie-javascript-form-submit-with-file-input a html form with a custom file upload field. And by that I mean that I have moved the actual file field beyond the borders of the page with css that I have a custom input field and button in place and that I have a jquery click event attached..
Why is the centering of my map off in my jQuery Mobile / Google Maps API3 application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9776761/why-is-the-centering-of-my-map-off-in-my-jquery-mobile-google-maps-api3-applic I have a map powered by Google Maps Javascript API3 in my jQuery Mobile web application. I added a circle with black borders on it. If you go to this page of my app with the map directly the map is centered correctly at the center of the circle...