javascript Programming Glossary: voted
Ajax jquery success scope supposed to do. thanks.. all helpful comments answers are voted up. Update it appears that half of the problem was the scope..
Jquery .live works but not with .datepicker Thanks for looking all sincerely helpful answers are up voted. I have some date input fields that are there when the page..
Why GWT? Advantages and Trade-Offs of Using This RIA Framework and have been reading through a bunch of the highest voted questions for GWT. Several of these questions talk about the..
jQuery voting system if this .hasClass current alert You have already voted for this option return var parentId this .parent div .attr.. if this .hasClass current alert You have already voted for this option else var parentId this .parent div .attr id..
What's with those Do-Not-Use JavaScript People? [closed] people. There was one pro JavaScript comment and it was voted down as I write this to 2 by the others. I turned JavaScript.. answer to that question which when I last looked had been voted down by the Do Not Use JavaScript people . Followup. I found..
Are semicolons needed after an object literal assignment in JavaScript? really answer the question. That may be why you were voted down. It isn't that JSLint isn't useful depending on your opinion..
Selecting elements without jQuery elements without jQuery I guess this will be voted down as it doesn't contain enough jQuery but here it goes What..
Send POST data on redirect with Javascript/jQuery? moment but it doesn't send any POST data. if user has not voted window.location 'http vote ' Username I know that.. refrence I ended up doing the following if user has not voted '#inset_form' .html ' form action http vote ' Username..
Does C# have an equivalent to JavaScript's encodeURIComponent()? this question Technically and often in practice the up voted answer is not correct. Uri.EscapeUriString or HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode..
ExtJS (JavaScript) Module Design Pattern best practices to the conversation especially considering that the top voted answer is from a former Ext JS co founder and core developer..
How can I make the boostrap js carousel automatically cycle as soon as the page loads? it out myself and saw noone had properly answered it. Top voted answer will not automatically start the carousel it will only..