

javascript Programming Glossary: urn

How have an xslt javascript extension function return a node-set?


have an xslt javascript extension function return a node set Is there a simple way to have an extension function.. an extension function in XSLT 1.0 written in javascript return a node set I could create a new java class for this but I would.. prefix custom function xml input var x input.split return x.toString msxsl script which returns a string and hence no..

Javascript - export html table data into excel


application vnd.ms excel base64 ' template ' html xmlns o urn schemas microsoft com office office xmlns x urn schemas microsoft.. xmlns o urn schemas microsoft com office office xmlns x urn schemas microsoft com office excel xmlns http www.w3.org TR.. body table table table body html ' base64 function s return window.btoa unescape encodeURIComponent s format function s..

Generate excel sheet from html tables using jquery


i 1 j 1 .Value str Writes to the sheet return script Html table id myTable tr td 1 td td Jan td td 01.. application vnd.ms excel base64 ' template ' html xmlns o urn schemas microsoft com office office xmlns x urn schemas microsoft.. xmlns o urn schemas microsoft com office office xmlns x urn schemas microsoft com office excel xmlns http www.w3.org TR..

HTML Table to Excel Javascript


application vnd.ms excel base64 ' template ' html xmlns o urn schemas microsoft com office office xmlns x urn schemas microsoft.. xmlns o urn schemas microsoft com office office xmlns x urn schemas microsoft com office excel xmlns http www.w3.org TR.. body table table table body html ' base64 function s return window.btoa unescape encodeURIComponent s format function s..

Chrome and Safari XSLT using JavaScript


IE if window.ActiveXObject ex xml.transformNode xsl return ex code for Mozilla Firefox Opera etc. else if document.implementation.. xsltProcessor.transformToFragment xml document return resultDocument catch exception if typeof exception object .. xml document The line above is returning null. No error is being thrown. Update The code is not working..

Embed xsl into an XML file


xmlns xsl http www.w3.org 1999 XSL Transform xmlns msxsl urn schemas microsoft com xslt xmlns user http www.ni.com TestStand.. prefix vb_user option explicit 'This function will return the localized decimal point for a decimal number Function GetLocalizedDecimalPoint..

Export dynamic html table to excel in javascript in firefox browser


application vnd.ms excel base64 ' template ' html xmlns o urn schemas microsoft com office office xmlns x urn schemas microsoft.. xmlns o urn schemas microsoft com office office xmlns x urn schemas microsoft com office excel xmlns http www.w3.org TR.. body table table table body html ' base64 function s return window.btoa unescape encodeURIComponent s format function s..

JQuery Ajax POST XML structure / Filter Chain


xmlns xsi http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema instance xmlns f urn foo f filter attributeId number f rangeCondition conditionSign..

jQuery XML parsing with namespaces


dt uuid C2F41010 65B3 11d1 A29F 00AA00C14882 xmlns rs urn schemas microsoft com rowset xmlns z #RowsetSchema s Schema.. xml schema share improve this question I got it. Turns out that it requires to escape the colon. .get xmlPath function..