javascript Programming Glossary: touchend
Eliminate 300ms delay on click events in mobile Safari framework if all I need is a line or two of code applying touchend in the right way. Like many sites my site has many click events..
JavaScript mapping touch events to mouse events mousedown break case touchmove type mousemove break case touchend type mouseup break default return initMouseEvent type canBubble.. touchmove touchHandler true document.addEventListener touchend touchHandler true document.addEventListener touchcancel touchHandler..
Android browser: touchcancel being fired althought touchmove has preventDefault touchStart false bindElemOrig.addEventListener 'touchend' touchStart false bindElemOrig.addEventListener 'touchcancel'.. the bug in Android where you must call preventDefault touchend event in ios webkit not firing but on this case it seems that.. ' touchmove ' true target.addEventListener 'touchend' function event status.innerHTML ' touchend ' true target.addEventListener..
How to swipe top down JQuery mobile touchstart mousedown touchStopEvent supportTouch touchend mouseup touchMoveEvent supportTouch touchmove mousemove .event.special.swipeupdown..
touchend event doesn't work on Android event doesn't work on Android I've just started looking at.. run the following code in the android emulator and the touchend event never gets fired. Can anyone tell me why I've tried in.. .innerHTML Touch Move false map.addEventListener 'touchend' function event var touch event.touches 0 document.getElementById..
$(document).click() not working correctly on iPhone. jquery mousedown break case touchmove type mousemove break case touchend type mouseup break default return initMouseEvent type canBubble.. touchmove touchHandler true document.addEventListener touchend touchHandler true document.addEventListener touchcancel touchHandler..
Prefered Alternative to OnMouseOver for touch keypress and keyup . Touch has touchstart touchmove touchend and touchcancel . Webkit on the iPhone iPad etc has additional..
Javascript Drag and drop for touch devices [closed] touchstart mousedown touchmove mousemove touchend mouseup event.type true true window 1 touch.screenX touch.screenY.. touchmove touchHandler true document.addEventListener touchend touchHandler true document.addEventListener touchcancel touchHandler..
:touch CSS pseudo-class or something similar? .live touchstart function this .addClass active .live touchend function this .removeClass active script The active pseudo class..
overlay over dynamically inserted video tag in ipad itself does not respond to the normal touchmove touchstart touchend events. After some research it turns out that if you do not..
Variation of e.touches, e.targetTouches and e.changedTouches So let's say I am listening for touchstart touchmove and touchend on the body element. Let me know if I'm wrong but I think e.touches..
Embed Google Maps on page without overriding iPhone scroll behavior e.touches 0 .pageY e.clientY true map.addEventListener touchend function dragFlag false true map.addEventListener touchmove.. mine to start e.touches 0 .pageY and did the same for the touchend event and now everything works. However I switched back to v2.. true document.getElementById map_canvas .addEventListener touchend thisTouchEnd true document.getElementById map_canvas .addEventListener..