

javascript Programming Glossary: templatename

How do I add a separator between elements in an {{#each}} loop except after the last element?


content itemViewClass Ember.View.extend templateName 'attachments' tagName 'span' isLastItem function return this.getPath..

Ember.js - How to properly bind a collection to a view using Ember.Router?


in the view like App.ContactView Ember.View.extend templateName 'contact table' contactsBinding 'App.ContactController.content'.. DELETE implementation App.ContactView Ember.View.extend templateName 'contact table' App.ContactListItemView Ember.View.extend templateName.. 'contact table' App.ContactListItemView Ember.View.extend templateName 'contact table row' App.Router Ember.Router.extend enableLogging..

Ember.js CollectionView order


Item View App.ItemView Em.View.extend tagName li templateName item App.itemController Em.ArrayController.create random order..

Ember.js and jQuery Sortable. How to work around the metamorph scripts


this.removeAt 1 App.ApplicationView Ember.View.extend templateName 'app' App.JQuerySortableItemView Ember.View.extend templateName.. 'app' App.JQuerySortableItemView Ember.View.extend templateName 'jquery sortable item' App.JQuerySortableView Ember.CollectionView.extend..

Best way to load asynchronously undescore templates


0.0.1 templates loadRemoteTemplate function templateName filename callback if this.templates templateName var self this.. function templateName filename callback if this.templates templateName var self this jQuery.get filename function data self.addTemplate.. this jQuery.get filename function data self.addTemplate templateName data self.saveLocalTemplates callback data else callback..

Ember.js and RequireJS


myTemplateSource var myView Em.View.create templateName my template return myView 4 I'm using require jquery.js jQuery..

ember.js - select view template by model type/object value


could help if not script App.SimpleRowView Em.View.extend templateName 'simple row preview' script My first few tests into allowing.. terrible Is there any way of dynamically controlling the templateName or view used while iterating over my content array thanks UPDATE.. 'state' in my App. script App.SimpleRowView Em.View.extend templateName function return Em.getPath this 'content.template' .property..