javascript Programming Glossary: symbol
What is the meaning of symbol $ in jQuery? is the meaning of symbol in jQuery What does ' ' sign in JQuery stand for javascript..
Sort an array by the “Levenshtein Distance” with best performance in Javascript @larry @nicholas @notch etc. They all start with the @ symbol. I'd like to sort them by the Levenshtein Distance so that the..
How to remove the hash from window.location with JavaScript without page refresh? '' However this doesn't remove the hash symbol # from the URL. javascript fragment identifier share improve..
Storing arbitrary info in HTML tags for JavaScript? have a value differing from a global template with a star symbol using CSS and background image. A JS field iterates through..
Valid Characters for JavaScript Variable Names I use jQuery I'm looking for another nice one character symbol to use. I realize that I could just test out a number of characters..
How Does Appcelerator Titanium Mobile Work? and preprocesses it and then pre compiles it into a set of symbols that are resolved based on your applications uses of Titanium.. on your applications uses of Titanium APIs. From this symbol hierarchy we can build a symbol dependency matrix that maps.. Titanium APIs. From this symbol hierarchy we can build a symbol dependency matrix that maps to the underlying Titanium library..
Replace all spaces in a string with '+' multiple spaces. I want to replace these with a plus symbol. I thought I could use var str 'a b c' var replaced str.replace..
How to get the file name from a full path using JavaScript? there a way that I can get the last value based on the ' ' symbol from a full path Example C Documents and Settings img recycled..
Javascript global variables object as it would be on non browser implementations . The symbol window is itself actually a property of the global window object.. the var version and the others. It relates to when the symbol is created. The symbols defined via the var statement are created.. the others. It relates to when the symbol is created. The symbols defined via the var statement are created before any step by..
detect back button click in browser Works in older FF and IE9 it does mess with your hash symbol anchor pound sign delimiter on the end of the URL else ignoreHashChange..