javascript Programming Glossary: scrollheight
How to get height of entire document with JavaScript? correct value document.height returns 0 document.body.scrollHeight returns 0 On Paperback Swap jQuery's document .height TypeError.. document.height returns an incorrect value document.body.scrollHeight returns an incorrect value Note I have browser level permissions.. because although all browsers expose clientHeight and scrollHeight properties they don't all agree how the values are calculated...
Display DIV at Cursor Position in Textarea var iSubtractScrollWidth oTextArea.clientHeight oTextArea.scrollHeight iScrollWidth 0 oContext.clearRect 0 0 oCanvas.width.. a temporary textarea and keep adding characters until the scrollHeight or scrollWidth changed. It seems plausable but about halfway..
Scrolling Overflowed DIVs with JavaScript jQuery hence the function #thediv .scrollTop #thediv .scrollHeight However it's been giving me inconsistent results. Sometimes.. jquery ajax div scroll share improve this question scrollHeight should be the total height of content. scrollTop specifies the.. .each function certain browsers have a bug such that scrollHeight is too small when content does not fill the client area of the..
How to auto-size an iFrame? [duplicate] this question On any other element I would use the scrollHeight of the DOM object and set the height accordingly. I don't know..
How to find (in javascript) the current “scroll” offset in mobile safari / iphone For getting the total scroll height of a webpage int scrollHeight webViewObj stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString @ document.documentElement.scrollHeight.. @ document.documentElement.scrollHeight intValue For scrolling the webpage to a particular offset webViewObj..
What is scrollTop and scrollHeight is scrollTop and scrollHeight What is scrollTop and scrollHeight in HTML elements. I added.. is scrollTop and scrollHeight What is scrollTop and scrollHeight in HTML elements. I added a function function fnCheckScroll.. a function function fnCheckScroll var iNewHeight oDiv.scrollHeight var iscrolTop oDiv.scrollTop alert The value of the scrollHeight..
iframe resizing with scrollheight in chrome/safari can make the iframe bigger but not smaller. document.body.scrollHeight is always the biggest value. So if one big page sets #iframe.height.. and someone clicks on a link to page with less content scrollHeight will remain at 620px instead of decreasing. What's the proper.. 'auto' And now document.body.scrollHeight returns the actual height of the document. share improve this..
How to determine if vertical scroll bar has reached the bottom of the web page? bottom of the page I want to stop the loop. The problem is scrollHeight is returning 1989. And inside loop scrollTop is incremented.. won't increment so this loop continues forever. Looks like scrollHeight and scrollTop is not right way to compare in order to determine.. var scrollTop curWindow.document.body.scrollTop alert 'scrollHeight ' curWindow.document.body.scrollHeight while curWindow.document.body.scrollHeight..
How to detect overflow in div element? this question You can easily do that by comparing scrollHeight with clientHeight try the following script type text javascript.. message The height of the contents with padding container.scrollHeight px. n alert message script For more information please take..
How to auto-scroll to end of div when data is added? [duplicate] set an interval to update the element's scrollTop to its scrollHeight every couple of seconds. If you are controlling when data is..
What does formatResult and formatItem options do in JQuery Autocomplete? false multiple true multipleSeparator scroll true scrollHeight 300 Am using Dajango to process the GET request. Gath javascript..
AJAX chat, auto scroll window line #youChatDiv .attr scrollTop #youChatDiv .attr scrollHeight what this does is set the scroll to the height of the own element..
jQuery autocomplete with images images.php width 320 max 4 highlight false scroll true scrollHeight 300 formatItem function data i n value return img src 'images.. bar aka drop down kind of list or just a long div under. scrollHeight 300 Height of the auto complete drop down. formatItem function..