javascript Programming Glossary: reality
Backbone.js Empty Array Attribute your console.log x call. But that's not what happens the reality is more like this You call console.log x . The browser grabs..
How to “properly” create a custom object in JavaScript? global window object causing widespread debugging woe . In reality this typically happens when a method is taken and assigned to..
What is the JavaScript >>> operator and how do you use it? would cast the number to 32 bit unsigned int like this. In reality there's little practical need for this as hopefully people aren't..
What's the difference between window.location and document.location in JavaScript? this question According to the W3C they are the same. In reality for cross browser safety you should use window.location rather..
JavaScript QR Code Reader - can it be done? Or, Remote Service? be done Thanks in advance myk php javascript augmented reality qr code appcelerator share improve this question There is..
Is javascript guaranteed to be single-threaded? of execution are introduced by WebWorkers. However in reality this isn't quite true in sneaky nasty ways. The most common.. have a strict event driven single thread of execution. In reality it has no such thing. It is not clear how much of this is simply..
getElementsByName in IE7 that is a Good Thing may be up for debate but that is the reality of it. So one option is to use the getAttribute DOM method to..
Using HTML5/Javascript to generate and save a file the file back from the server as a download. But in reality the server has nothing to do with this particular process so..
Should I write script in the body or the head of the html? [duplicate] perceptual loading speed the users perception IS thier reality if it is percieved to load faster it does load faster even though..
Javascript MIME Type transcode the resource would break its users. Of course in reality no one ever uses transcoding proxies anyway but that was the..
Why is JavaScript prototyping? sense to me while the first example does not whereas in reality the first example is probably better for some reason s . Unfortunately..
Baking transforms into SVG Path Element commands to paths and then flattens transforms. Of course in reality the path commands and transforms are not random but for testing..
How to create Document objects with JavaScript documentType htmlDoc impl.createHTMLDocument title In reality these methods are rather young and only implemented in recent..
How AJAX is done in github source browse? to my head why not ask the code itself Using Chrome in reality any browser with a decent developer tools open a repository..
Call An Asynchronous Javascript Function Synchronously to do it right. It hurts every fiber of my being but reality and ideals often do not mesh. I know this sucks. OK that out..
Is the recommendation to include CSS before JavaScript invalid? do a full download each time a page is loaded. To simulate reality I included jQuery and the H5BP CSS so there's a decent amount..