

javascript Programming Glossary: mistake

jQuery - How to tell .hover() to wait?


so the user can get back in when he breaks the .hover by mistake ... Is it possible my code for the slide '.icon' .hover function..

What exactly can cause an “HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: DOM Exception 3”-Error?


document.createElement 'div' Generally this is just a mistake where this was actually intended document.body.appendChild document.createElement..

What's the effect of adding 'return false' to an onclick event?


you can cancel a form submission if the user has made a mistake entering the information. I don't believe there is a W3C specification..

Javascript Iframe innerHTML


which is where I tested it. In retrospect that was a big mistake This will work window.frames 0 .document.body.innerHTML I understand..

$.post not posting data


is also empty. Array demo Please if anyone can show me the mistake. php javascript jquery ajax share improve this question ..

What is the Javascript MIME Type? What belongs in the type attribute of a script tag?


types share improve this question This is a common mistake. The MIME type for javascript wasn't standardized for years...

Trying to bind multiple InfoWindows to multiple Markers on a Google Map and failing


a very common question in the google maps tag and an easy mistake to make . What is happening is that your click event is being..

What are the typical reasons Javascript developed on Firefox fails on IE? [closed]


built my own classes on top of it now. This was my basic mistake that I did not build all my stuff on jQuery from the beginning...

javascript - document.write error?


function I tried this in chrome. Is there any mistake made by me any suggestions javascript function window onload..

Sending/Displaying a base64 encoded Image


wrong here Solution Thanks Pekka for pointing me on my mistake. You don't need you can't encode that binary image data as base64..

How to calculate the XPath position of an element using Javascript?


PPS I completely new to XPath so I might even have made a mistake in the above example but you'll get the idea. Edit at August..

How to detect when facebook's FB.init is complete


on your own as there is no official replacement big mistake imo . Here is what I use window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init..

Why doesn't indexOf work on an array IE8?


ext 1 1 part. Does anyone know why Is there any obvious mistake function CheckMe var allowed new Array 'docx' 'xls' 'xlsx' 'mp3'..

Setting JavaScript window.location


cannot contain a question mark. Chrome is correcting your mistake by encoding the character to a sequence that means a literal..

jQuery question: what does it really mean?


because undefined can actually be redefined this is a mistake of the language . This pattern is known as immediately invoked..

Ajax request return 200 OK but error event is fired instead of success


tried lot of things but I am not getting where I am doing mistake. I adding my code here also please check and please let me the.. this message. Is this correct or and I am doing any mistake. Please suggest me correct way so I can solve this issue. Please..

Jquery Continuously Loop Animation


What is the ProgId or CLSID for IE9's Javascript engine (code-named “Chakra”)


refers to the v5.8 Jscript CLSID. Not sure if this was a mistake by Microsoft or a purposeful bit of obfuscation because they..