javascript Programming Glossary: jslint
JavaScript Debugger new tool I learned about that I hadn't heard of before is JSLint . Sometimes JSLint just immediately shows you your dodgy code.. about that I hadn't heard of before is JSLint . Sometimes JSLint just immediately shows you your dodgy code that is causing the..
What does “use strict” do in JavaScript, and what is the reasoning behind it? I ran some of my JavaScript code through Crockford's JSLint and it gave the following error Problem at line 1 character..
What questions should a JavaScript programmer be able to answer? [closed] What's the name of that guy who wrote jQuery Who wrote JSLint Cross browser DOM API questions The standard addEventListener..
`new function()` with lower case “f” in JavaScript to this technique anywhere. Even Douglas Crockford's JSLint complains about it weird construction. Delete 'new' We're using..
JavaScript parser in JavaScript Crescent Fresh answered this question in the comments JSLint contains a JavaScript parser written in JavaScript. See JSlint.. by Douglas Crockford Around line 2712 begins the parser. JSLint is written to also handle html so you'd have to gloss over those..
typeof !== “undefined” vs. != null Yet this form does not seem widespread and it even causes JSLint to yell at you for using the evil operator. Why is this considered..
new MyObject(); vs new MyObject; even when the constructor takes no arguments. In addition JSLint may hurt your feelings if you omit the parenthesis. It reports..
Does it matter which equals operator (== vs ===) I use in JavaScript comparisons? operator vs I use in JavaScript comparisons I'm using JSLint to go through some horrific JavaScript at work and it's returning..
variable hoisting they will be used to prevent hoisting causing a problem. JSLint will moan about this. This is a good article that explains it..
Unexpected token ILLEGAL in webkit none of them seem to apply to this situation. If it helps JSLint also throws and error on that line character 2 Problem at line..
VIM + JSLint? JSLint I spend my days in vim currently writing a lot of JavaScript... of JavaScript. I've been trying to find a way to integrate JSLint or something similar into vim to improve my coding. Has anyone.. this question You can follow the intructions from JSLint web service VIM integration or do what I did Download http
Recommended Vim plugins for JavaScript coding? [closed] Checking Linting There is a very easy way to integrate JSLint or the community driven which is much better IMO..
Javascript: closure of loop? i createButton function alert button i pressed i Note that JSLint doesn't like this pattern. It throws Don't make functions within..
(…()) vs. (…)() in javascript closures function var foo 'bar' and this function var foo 'bar' JSLint tells us to Move the invocation into the parens that contain..
What's wrong with var x = new Array(); wrong with var x new Array In JSLint it warns that var x new Array That's not a real variable name.. this question Crockford doesn't like new . Therefore JSLint expects you to avoid it when possible. And creating a new array..
Best JavaScript editor or IDE with IntelliSense and debugging (possibly)? [closed] while since I wrote this... Now I have also installed the JSLint Visual Studio 2010 plugin. It adds very strict yet flexible..
Immediate function invocation syntax function invocation syntax There is a JSLint option one of The Good Parts in fact that requires parens around..
What is array literal notation in javascript and when should you use it? fine... is there something I'm missing javascript arrays jslint literals share improve this question array literal notation..
What does “use strict” do in JavaScript, and what is the reasoning behind it? strict string or is it for future use javascript syntax jslint crockford use strict share improve this question This article..
How to get around the jslint error 'Don't make functions within a loop.' to get around the jslint error 'Don't make functions within a loop.' I am working on.. I am working on making all of our JS code pass through jslint sometimes with a lot of tweaking with the options to get legacy.. to fix it properly later. There is one thing that jslint complains about that I do not have a workround for. That is..
JavaScript variables declare outside or inside loop? the second var or remove both var s and do var i above and jslint will whinge at you for this. But IMO it's more maintainable..
JSlint error 'Don't make functions within a loop.' leads to question about Javascript itself actually affect the efficiency of the code javascript jslint share improve this question Would a Javascript interpreter..
creating objects - new object or object literal notation? notation Which one is better and why javascript object jslint share improve this question They both do the same thing..
Should I use JSLint or JSHint JavaScript validation? for client side validation. Links http http javascript jquery jslint jshint share improve this question.. http http javascript jquery jslint jshint share improve this question By all means use JSLint...
JavaScript function order: why does it matter? but it is very loooooong. javascript function ordering jslint jshint share improve this question This weird behavior depends..
(…()) vs. (…)() in javascript closures it. javascript comparison closures anonymous function jslint share improve this question There's no difference. Both..
What's wrong with var x = new Array(); What's the reasoning behind the suggestion javascript jslint share improve this question Crockford doesn't like new ...
How to pass data to url from jqgrid row if hyperlink is clicked you can find below global jQuery function 'use strict' jslint unparam true .extend .fn.fmatter dynamicLink function cellValue..
Why avoid increment (“++”) and decrement (“--”) operators in JavaScript? a better programmer in general. One of his tips for his jslint tool is this and The increment and decrement operators have.. loop than a while a 10 do a or for var i 0 i 10 i and use jslint. It's challenged me to write it differently. I also know in.. 8 Programming Style Your Brain 50 42 javascript syntax jslint postfix operator prefix operator share improve this question..