javascript Programming Glossary: issupported
Why won't this JavaScript (using and document.write) work in Internet Explorer or Opera? function isEqualNode isSameNode function isSameNode isSupported function isSupported jQuery1258269389622 2 lastChild HTMLHtmlElement.. isSameNode function isSameNode isSupported function isSupported jQuery1258269389622 2 lastChild HTMLHtmlElement lastModified..
Detecting support for a given JavaScript event? TAGNAMES eventName 'div' eventName 'on' eventName var isSupported eventName in el if isSupported el.setAttribute eventName 'return.. 'on' eventName var isSupported eventName in el if isSupported el.setAttribute eventName 'return ' isSupported typeof el eventName.. in el if isSupported el.setAttribute eventName 'return ' isSupported typeof el eventName 'function' el null return isSupported return..
Zepto fallback to jQuery on BlackBerry Maybe you could do something like this var isSupported false for os in .os if .os os true isSupported true This won't.. this var isSupported false for os in .os if .os os true isSupported true This won't catch chrome firefox which work fine with Zepto..