javascript Programming Glossary: isarray
How to detect if a variable is an array For example the following is a basic approach function isArray obj return obj obj.length However note what happens if the array.. . Here's the code for robust checks for JS arrays function isArray obj return obj ' object Array..
AngularJS: How to send auth token with $resource requests? localhost port todos.json' port 3001 query method 'GET' isArray true And I have a service that stores the auth token factory..
AngularJS - Pagination on a list using ng-repeater phoneId.json' query method 'GET' params phoneId 'phones' isArray true Hope you can help me. Thanks in advance. javascript angularjs..
How does the $resource `get` function work synchronously in AngularJS? returns an empty reference object or array depending on isArray . Once the data is returned from the server the existing reference..
What is the best way to check if an object is an array or not in Javascript? share improve this question I use this function function isArray obj return obj ' object Array.. obj ' object Array ' Is the way that jQuery.isArray is implemented. Check this article isArray Why is it so bloody.. way that jQuery.isArray is implemented. Check this article isArray Why is it so bloody hard to get right share improve this answer..
Javascript collection obj return JSON.parse JSON.stringify obj function isArray obj return obj instanceof Array function isObject obj var type.. obj null type 'function' function fastDeepClone obj if isArray obj return cloneArr obj else if isObject obj return cloneObject..
Server polling with AngularJS resource 'api changingData' query method 'GET' params isArray true function dataCtrl scope timeout Data function..
Angular: Access resource value in controller returns an empty reference object or array depending on isArray . Once the data is returned from the server the existing reference..
Angular - extending $resource subobject with custom methods Post resource ' api posts id' id '@id' query method 'GET' isArray false not returning an array transformResponse function data..
Javascript Iterator Class function Array check as proposed by Mr. Crockford function isArray candidate return candidate typeof candidate 'object' typeof.. man I won 't iterate over that ' collection ' ' var arr isArray collection var idx 0 top 0 var keys prop if arr top collection.length..
Advantages of createElement over innerHTML? make it more convenient to use createElement . function isArray a return a object Array function.. a object Array function make desc if isArray desc return this arguments.. var start 1 if typeof attributes object attributes null isArray attributes for var attr in attributes el attr attributes attr..
What makes Firebug/Chrome console treat a custom object as an array? share improve this question This is what Firebug's isArray method does from the Firebug source if obj return false else..
How to check if a JSON response element is an array? but to my knowledge this is the most reliable function isArray what return what ' object Array.. Array ' So to apply it to your code for var i in json if isArray json i Iterate the array and do stuff else Do another thing..