javascript Programming Glossary: gracefully
How can I get Gmail-like file uploads for my web app? on all platforms browsers that has Flash support. Degrades gracefully to normal HTML upload form if Flash or javascript is unavailable..
Using HTML comment tag <!— --> still relevant around JavaScript code? browsers that didn't understand the script tag to degrade gracefully. These browsers eg. Netscape 1.x are no longer found in the..
Detect browser support for cross-domain XMLHttpRequests? perform cross domain XMLHttpRequests But I'd like to fail gracefully if they aren't supported. Apart from actually making a cross..
Node.js POST causes [Error: socket hang up] code: 'ECONNRESET' length of strings UPDATED We also should handle error gracefully on server side to prevent crashing by adding middleware to handle..
JavaScript: How to detect that the Internet connection is offline? go through alert the user to check the connection and fail gracefully . Sidenote To put the entire application in an offline state.. may come and go etc. So your best bet may be to just fail gracefully preserve the data and alert the user.. allowing them to eventually..
Serializing to JSON in jQuery fully compatible with the ECMAScript 5 specification and gracefully degrades if a native faster implementation exists. In fact I..
How to keep the browser history in sync when using Ajax?
Is it worth it to code different functionality for users with javascript disabled? javascript share improve this question Degrade gracefully make sure the site works without JavaScript then add bells and..
JQuery html() vs. innerHTML
How can I handle errors in loading an iframe? users can POST a form back to my site. I'd like to handle gracefully the cases where my site is down or my server can't serve the..
Have I reached the limits of the size of objects JavaScript in my browser can handle? browsers to handle Is there anything I can do to gracefully handle this much data Incidentally I was able to get this to..
How can I change the page URL without refreshing the page? already frameworks that do the hard work for you and even gracefully fallback to the common hash tag solution History.js History.js.. to the common hash tag solution History.js History.js gracefully supports the HTML5 History State APIs pushState replaceState..
Emulate/polyfill history.pushstate() in IE History.js from GitHub. As per the description History.js gracefully supports the HTML5 History State APIs pushState replaceState..
Accessibility and all these JavaScript frameworks Clearly out of the box these new JS frameworks don't gracefully degrade so I was wondering what are other developers thoughts..
Dealing with Scope in Object methods containing 'this' keyword called by Event Listeners evil And if so what are so good strategies in this case to gracefully use them For example what if I wanted 100 dogs instantiated..
How to detect browser's protocol handlers? This all works great. But I would like to be able to gracefully handle the case where the user doesn't have the custom URL protocol..
is it possible to preview local images before uploading them via a form? mind using java or flash as long as the solution degraded gracefully for those users who didn't have them. They wouldn't get previews..
SVG support for Internet Explorer 8 and below display flash for IE8 and below. 5. There is the option to gracefully degrade for IE8 and below and show a static image in place of..