javascript Programming Glossary: ds.tables
How do I get jqGrid to work using ASP.NET + JSON on the backend? udsp_GetMyData pageIndex pageSize if ds null ds.Tables.Count 1 throw new Exception Unable to retrieve data. JQGrid.. jqGrid new JQGrid int i 1 foreach DataRow dataRow in ds.Tables 0 .Rows JQGrid.Row row new JQGrid.Row Convert.ToInt32..
Assign loop variable values to javascript Array [duplicate] cmd da.Fill ds GPS mgps.AppendLine For I 0 To ds.Tables GPS .Rows.Count 1 mgps.AppendLine ds.Tables GPS .Rows I .Item.. For I 0 To ds.Tables GPS .Rows.Count 1 mgps.AppendLine ds.Tables GPS .Rows I .Item GPS_ONE Next I mgps.AppendLine End Sub The.. add data from database result. mgps.AppendLine For I 0 To ds.Tables GPS .Rows.Count 1 mgps.AppendLine ds.Tables GPS .Rows I .Item..
Place Server side Variable in javascript loop cmd da.Fill ds GPS mgps.AppendLine For I 0 To ds.Tables GPS .Rows.Count 1 mgps.AppendLine ds.Tables GPS .Rows I .Item.. For I 0 To ds.Tables GPS .Rows.Count 1 mgps.AppendLine ds.Tables GPS .Rows I .Item GPS_ONE Next I mgps.AppendLine End Sub The.. add data from database result. mgps.AppendLine For I 0 To ds.Tables GPS .Rows.Count 1 mgps.AppendLine ds.Tables GPS .Rows I .Item..