javascript Programming Glossary: dashes
using the jquery validation plugin, how can I add a regex validation on a textbox? i.test value Username must contain only letters numbers or dashes. #signupForm .validate rules login required true loginRegex..
Replace space with dash and make all letters lower case using javascript it to sonic free games So white spaces replaced with dashes and all letters converted to small letters Any help on this..
How to tell if a string contains a certain character in javascript? are typically given as groups of characters seperated by dashes but I would like for the user to enter the codes without the.. I would like for the user to enter the codes without the dashes. How can I write my Javascript code with our without jQuery.. that a given string that the user inputs does not contain dashes or better yet only contains alphanumeric characters javascript..
dotted stroke in <canvas> draw draw To draw a line from 20 150 to 170 10 with dashes that are 30px long followed by a gap of 10px you would use myContext.dashedLine.. 20 150 170 10 30 10 To draw alternating dashes and dots use for example myContext.lineCap 'round' myContext.lineWidth.. it as it would allow me to write this as ctx.dashTo x y dashes instead of requiring you to re specify the start point in the..
How to draw a vector path progressively? (Raphael.js) . Seems like currently the best way to do it is via 'fake' dashes using raw SVG. For the explanation see this demo or this document..
Getting the closest string match into individual words based on delimiters such as spaces dashes and anything else you'd like and compares each word to each..
fileReader.readAsBinaryString to upload files etc. POST ' pushfile' true var dashes ' ' var boundary 'aperturephotoupload' var crlf r n Post with.. Build a HTTP request to post the file var data dashes boundary crlf Content Disposition form data name file filename.. crlf Content Type filetype crlf crlf crlf dashes boundary dashes xmlHttpRequest.setRequestHeader Content Type..
Javascript multiple replace plurals too cat replacement 's' else do not replace if dashes are matched cat char1 ' ' char2 ' ' cat replacement return..
YouTube url id Regex [duplicate] always contains 11 characters numbers underscores and or dashes. This is the regexp i've used and haven't had issues with var..