javascript Programming Glossary: callid
forge.facebook.ui callback invoked with null on iOS shows up in Forge debug log DEBUG Native call DEBUG callid 35938A56 CEEC 44E1 8742 889D273F6E9E DEBUG method facebook.ui.. 1353579502.975 DEBUG DEBUG Returning to javascript DEBUG callid 35938A56 CEEC 44E1 8742 889D273F6E9E DEBUG content null DEBUG.. 453015091412347 to 1 515252483 status success callid ED47AAB4 7A72 45A0 B0B3 0DADC9A75E9C And if the user cancels..
Event handlers inside a Javascript loop - need a closure? ... ... select.onchange function onStatusChanged select callid anotherid td.appendChild select When the onchange event is fired.. the table I've verified that in each iteration of the loop callid and anotherid are being given new distinct values . I suspect.. of the loop. When the event fires the value referenced by callid and anotherid is the value set in the last iteration not the..