java Programming Glossary: selectitem
Best way to add a “nothing selected” option to a selectOneMenu in JSF # myBean.selectedUsertype converter # usertypeConverter f selectItems value myBean.usertypes h selectOneMenu When the corresponding.. improve this question If you're using JSF 2.x use f selectItem noSelectionOption true . h selectOneMenu value # myBean.selectedUsertype.. # myBean.selectedUsertype converter # usertypeConverter f selectItem itemLabel noSelectionOption true f selectItems value myBean.usertypes..
JSTL in JSF2 Facelets… makes sense? extend UIComponent i.e. everything except of f param and f selectItem s and all those tags having a rendered attribute are also taghandlers...
How to create dynamic JSF 1.2 form fields value # df.option rendered # df.type 'RADIO' f selectItem itemLabel # messages 'yes' itemValue # true f selectItem itemLabel.. selectItem itemLabel # messages 'yes' itemValue # true f selectItem itemLabel # messages 'no' itemValue # false h selectOneRadio.. value # df.option rendered # df.type 'SELECTONE' f selectItem itemLabel # messages 'yes' itemValue # true f selectItem itemLabel..
JSF Validation Error While Using Custom Converter selectOneMenu id citation_status value # citation.status f selectItems value # status.allStatuses var s itemValue # itemLabel.. the items available in the list. I.e. selectedItem.equals selectItem has never returned true for any of the items. Since it's apparently..
JSF 2.0 set locale throughout session from browser and programmatically value # localeManager.language onchange submit f selectItem itemValue en itemLabel English f selectItem itemValue nl itemLabel.. submit f selectItem itemValue en itemLabel English f selectItem itemValue nl itemLabel Nederlands f selectItem itemValue es.. English f selectItem itemValue nl itemLabel Nederlands f selectItem itemValue es itemLabel EspaƱol h selectOneMenu h form To improve..
How to prepopulate a <h:selectOneMenu> from a DB? Basic example To answer your question directly just use f selectItems whose value points to a List T property which you preserve.. represents a String . h selectOneMenu value # f selectItems value # bean.names h selectOneMenu with @ManagedBean @RequestScoped.. dropdown item label and value. Note that the bean for f selectItems does not necessarily need to be the same bean as the bean for..
JSF 2.0 use enum in selectMany menu UserController class SecurityRole is an enum type public SelectItem getRolesSelectMany SelectItem items new SelectItem SecurityRole.values.. is an enum type public SelectItem getRolesSelectMany SelectItem items new SelectItem SecurityRole.values .length int i 0 for.. public SelectItem getRolesSelectMany SelectItem items new SelectItem SecurityRole.values .length int i 0 for SecurityRole role SecurityRole.values..
JSF: Best way to Enum internationalization (i18n) # order.status and Java public class FlowUtils public List SelectItem getOrderStatuses ArrayList SelectItem l new ArrayList SelectItem.. public List SelectItem getOrderStatuses ArrayList SelectItem l new ArrayList SelectItem for OrderStatus c OrderStatus.values.. getOrderStatuses ArrayList SelectItem l new ArrayList SelectItem for OrderStatus c OrderStatus.values before i18n l.add new..
How to prepopulate a <h:selectOneMenu> from a DB? 1.x you would be forced to wrap item values labels in ugly SelectItem instances. This is fortunately not needed anymore in JSF 2.x... without the need to create a custom converter. The SelectItemsConverter will simply do the conversion based on readily available.. s . h selectOneMenu value # bean.user converter omnifaces.SelectItemsConverter f selectItems value # bean.users var user itemValue..