

java Programming Glossary: reported

Unsupported major.minor version 51.0


version of the JRE the class file is compatible with. The reported major numbers are J2SE 8 52 J2SE 7 51 J2SE 6.0 50 J2SE 5.0 49..

Javac: Treat warnings as errors


program. I want the javac task to fail if any warning was reported by the compiler. Any clue on how to do that java ant warnings..

Eclipse reported “Failed to load JNI shared library” [duplicate]


reported &ldquo Failed to load JNI shared library&rdquo duplicate Possible..

Java VM: reproducable SIGSEGV on both 1.6.0_17 and 1.6.0_18, how to report?


simultaneously but my question is if this should be reported or not and if it should how to report it knowing that the log..

Any recommended Java profiling tutorial? [closed]


may appear to be slow but the function times may be all reported as near zero. This can be caused by the program being I O bound... mean substantial factors. People on Stack Overflow have reported factors from 7x to 60x. Here is a detailed example of 43x. The..

java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class file?


it couldn't POSSIBLY in your mind be what the error being reported says you go hunting for a problem in another area...only to..

Too much data for RSA block fail. What is PKCS#7?


cipher could not be applied to your data and you got the reported exception. UPDATE As a response to your update and GregS's remark..

What does assert do?


evaluation of the boolean expression and an error is reported if the expression evaluates to false . If the assertion is disabled.. assertions switch when launching the JVM. An error is reported What happens is that an AssertionError is thrown at the line..

Bug in eclipse compiler or in javac (“type parameters of T cannot be determined”)


this question I'd say it's the bug in the Sun compiler reported here and here because if you change your line to the one below..

java: Integer equals vs. ==


our other environments dev and test but so far no one has reported the problem after hundreds of tests executing this code snippet...

How does this Java regex detect palindromes?


As explained xyxyzyx which is NOT a palindrome is falsely reported as one because we didn't check if the growing suffix eventually..

How to monitor the computer's cpu, memory, and disk usage in Java?


may not be available to all platforms i.e. it's been reported that getSystemLoadAverage returns 1 on Windows . EDIT 2011 08..

HTMLUnit doesn't wait for Javascript


Thank you for responding. I actually should have reported this sooner that I have found the solution myself. Apparently..

How cancel the execution of a SwingWorker?


can identify this fact by looking at the thread names as reported by NetBeans SwingWorker pool 1 thread 1 where that pool is managed..

Memory leak when redeploying application in Tomcat


will help you to find those thread locals. Select the reported value class com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.property.SingleElementLeafProperty..

No-throw VirtualMachineError guarantees


and does not mandate precisely when they can be reported. Thus any of the VirtualMachineError subclasses defined below..

How do I launch a completely independent process from a Java program?


exiting. I have the following versions of Sun's JVM as reported by java version Windows 1.6.0_13 b03 Linux 1.6.0_10 b33 I have..

Why does InetAddress.isReachable return false, when I can ping the IP address?


I test the availability of the internet in Java And even a reported bug on this same matter http bugs.sun.com bugdatabase view_bug.do..