java Programming Glossary: relevance
@Inject to pass params to a CDI @Named bean via URL gives Jboss error on Netbeans example is posted in this blog . Here's an extract of relevance The custom @HttpParam annotation @Qualifier @Retention RUNTIME..
Tomcat 7 “SEVERE: A child container failed during start” to. Below is my pom.xml just in case that might be of relevance. xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 project xmlns http
Generics compiles and runs in Eclipse, but doesn't compile in javac is a confirmed bug Bug ID 6468354 . Here's an extract of relevance This problem is caused by the fact that sometimes javac's implementation..
How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files? is possible by tag classes. Here are several cites of relevance From JSP 1.2 Specification it is highly recommended that the..
Sending an OWA logon form from Java hidden input fields input type hidden those might be of relevance. You should also send the name value pair of the submit button..
Parse any date in Java DateUtil class which did the job. Here's an extract of relevance private static final Map String String DATE_FORMAT_REGEXPS new..
How to implement a possibility for user to post some html-formatted data in a safe way? against a whitelist like Jsoup . Here's an extract of relevance from its site . Sanitize untrusted HTML Problem You want to..
How do you find a roman numeral equivalent of an integer for many languages including Java. Here's an extract of relevance public class RN enum Numeral I 1 IV 4 V 5 IX 9 X 10 XL 40 L..
Java final modifier double sweep. This is nonsense. The final keyword has no relevance whatsoever to garbage collection. You might be confusing final..
Java string to date conversion date Sat Jan 02 00 00 00 BOT 2010 Here's an extract of relevance from the javadoc listing all available format patterns G Era..
Android, Java: HTTP POST Request an example on . Here's an extract of relevance Create a new HttpClient and Post Header HttpClient httpclient..
How does Tomcat prioritize which type of error page to use? of Servlet API specification 2.5 . Here's an extract of relevance SRV.9.9.2 Error Pages If no error page declaration containing..
Swing: Obtain Image of JFrame in the Screen Image class. Another thread that might be of relevance is Render JLabel without 1st displaying particularly the 'one..
response.sendRedirect() from jsp:include being ignored? . Click the link to see the javadoc. Here's an extract of relevance emphasis mine ... The ServletResponse object has its path elements..
Differences between EL 2.1 and 2.2 the EL 2.2. specification document. Here's an extract of relevance A.1 Changes between Maintenance 1 and Maintenance Release 2..
Hibernate 4: persisting InheritanceType.JOINED discriminator column values denoted by 'official' and 'individual' which are of no relevance here. Here are the mappings for the above tables