java Programming Glossary: radiobuttoneditor
How to add JRadioButton to group in JTable if value null return null return Component value class RadioButtonEditor extends DefaultCellEditor implements ItemListener private JRadioButton.. implements ItemListener private JRadioButton button public RadioButtonEditor JCheckBox checkBox super checkBox public Component getTableCellEditorComponent.. phoneTable.getColumn Select .setCellEditor new RadioButtonEditor new JCheckBox I am still unable to achieve the result. I have..
How to add JRadioButton to two columuns of a JTable and ButtonGroup them. sourceTable.getColumnModel .getColumn 0 .setCellEditor new RadioButtonEditor new JCheckBox sourceTable.getColumnModel .getColumn 1 .setCellRenderer.. sourceTable.getColumnModel .getColumn 1 .setCellEditor new RadioButtonEditor new JCheckBox JPanel panel new JPanel panel.add new JScrollPane.. value return btn Editor class for JRadioButton class RadioButtonEditor extends DefaultCellEditor implements ItemListener public JRadioButton..