java Programming Glossary: option
Java: recommended solution for deep cloning/copying an instance the classpath. I deliberately omitted the do it yourself option the API's above provide a good control over what to and what..
Setting multiple jars in java classpath any differently from the classpath or cp command line option. That is wildcards are honored in all these cases. However class.. ' Note that using a classpath is incompatible with the jar option. See also Execute jar file with multiple classpath libraries..
Populating child dropdownlists in JSP/Servlet page. select name dd1 onchange submit c forEach items dd1options var option option value option.key param.dd1 option.key 'selected'.. name dd1 onchange submit c forEach items dd1options var option option value option.key param.dd1 option.key 'selected' '' option.value.. dd1 onchange submit c forEach items dd1options var option option value option.key param.dd1 option.key 'selected' '' option.value..
Avoiding “!= null” statements in Java? assertions. You can enable assertions by passing the option ea to the JVM. You can enable and disable assertions for individual..
GUI not working after rewriting to MVC subinterfaces and implementing classes. A third option is to use a PropertyChangeListener as shown here and here ...
Best XML parser for Java [closed] If speed and memory is no problem dom4j is a really good option. If you need speed using a StAX parser like Woodstox is the..
How to use Servlets and Ajax? Here's another example which displays Map String String as option @Override protected void doGet HttpServletRequest request HttpServletResponse.. throws ServletException IOException Map String String options new LinkedHashMap String String options.put value1 label1 options.put.. Map String String options new LinkedHashMap String String options.put value1 label1 options.put value2 label2 options.put value3..
How to start/stop/restart a thread in Java? stopping you from creating and starting a new thread. Option 1 Create a new thread rather than trying to restart. Option.. 1 Create a new thread rather than trying to restart. Option 2 Instead of letting the thread stop have it wait and then when..
What is the point of the class Option[T]? is the point of the class Option T I am a beginner to functional programming and I have recently.. etc. However I am not able to understand the point of Option T class in Scala. I mean I am not able to see any advanages.. Person returns a Person instance or null def getPerson2 Option Person returns either Some Person or None def main argv Array..
telling java to accept self-signed ssl certificate to your JVM truststore or configure your client to Option 1 Export the certificate from your browser and import it in.. keystore cacerts.jks keypass changeit storepass changeit Option 2 Disable Certificate Validation code from Example Depot Create.. MalformedURLException e Note that I do not recommend the Option #2 at all . Disabling the trust manager defeats some parts of..
In log4j, does checking isDebugEnabled before logging improve performance? for logging. Previously I was using debug call like Option 1 logger.debug some debug text but some links suggest that it.. that it is better to check isDebugEnabled first like Option 2 boolean debugEnabled logger.isDebugEnabled if debugEnabled.. share improve this question In this particular case Option 1 is better. The guard statement checking isDebugEnabled is..