

java Programming Glossary: javax.swing

Add a complex image in the panel, with buttons around it in one customized user interface


import java.awt.font.TextLayout import javax.swing. public class New extends JFrame private static final long serialVersionUID.. java.io.InputStream import javax.imageio.ImageIO import javax.swing. import javax.swing.border.Border public class NewPanel extends.. import javax.imageio.ImageIO import javax.swing. import javax.swing.border.Border public class NewPanel extends JPanel private Image..

JComponents not showing up with picture background?


java.io.IOException import javax.imageio.ImageIO import javax.swing. public class login implements ActionListener JTextField gusername.. import java.net.URL import javax.imageio.ImageIO import javax.swing. public class PaintingExample private CustomPanel contentPane.. java.net.MalformedURLException import java.net.URL import javax.swing. public class LabelExample private JPanel contentPane private..

Providing white space in a Swing GUI


in action import java.awt. import java.awt.event. import javax.swing. public class LayoutExample private final int hGap 5 private..

GUI not working after rewriting to MVC


int getColor return color View import java.awt. import javax.swing. public class View extends Frame Model model JButton checkAnswer.. import java.util.Observer import java.util.Random import javax.swing.Icon import javax.swing.JButton import javax.swing.JFrame import.. import java.util.Random import javax.swing.Icon import javax.swing.JButton import javax.swing.JFrame import javax.swing.JLabel..

Socket using in a swing applet


java.io. import java.net. import java.util.Scanner import javax.swing. import javax.swing.text.DefaultCaret A simple network client.. import java.util.Scanner import javax.swing. import javax.swing.text.DefaultCaret A simple network client server pair @http..

Can a progress bar be used in a class outside main?


completed. import java.awt. import java.awt.event. import javax.swing. public class twoLoan extends JFrame static JFrame progressFrame.. java.text.DecimalFormat import java.util.List import javax.swing. @see http stackoverflow.com questions 4637215 public class..

How to add JTable in JPanel


import java.awt.event.ActionEvent import javax.swing. import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder.. java.awt.event.ActionEvent import javax.swing. import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder.. import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder A short example of a nested layout that..

Swing: Obtain Image of JFrame


import java.awt.event.InputEvent import javax.swing. import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder import javax.imageio.ImageIO.. java.awt.event.InputEvent import javax.swing. import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder import javax.imageio.ImageIO import java.io.File.. java.awt. import java.awt.image.BufferedImage import javax.swing. public class LabelRenderTest public static void main String..

Remove Top-Level Container on Runtime


import java.util.logging.Logger import javax.swing. public class RemoveDialogOnRuntime extends JFrame private static.. import java.awt.event.WindowEvent import javax.swing.JDialog @see http stackoverflow.com questions 6309407 public..

Can't get ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException from Future<?> and SwingWorker if thread starts Executor


2.actionPerformed TableWithExecutor.java 61 at javax.swing.Timer.fireActionPerformed Timer.java 271 at javax.swing.Timer.. at javax.swing.Timer.fireActionPerformed Timer.java 271 at javax.swing.Timer DoPostEvent.run Timer.java 201 at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch.. import java.util.concurrent.Executors import javax.swing. import javax.swing.table. public class TableWithExecutor extends..

How to best position Swing GUIs


the Linux Mac. images. Here is the simple code used import javax.swing. class WhereToPutTheGui public static void initGui for int ii..

How do I get the CellRow when there is an ItemEvent in the JComboBox within the cell


import java.io.IOException import javax.swing. import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel import javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer.. import java.io.IOException import javax.swing. import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel import javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer.. import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel import javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer import javax.swing.table.TableColumn..

Something seems wrong with the layout, JButton showing unexpected behaviour at resize of the window


my problem import java.awt. import java.awt.event. import javax.swing. public class BallAnimation private int x private int y private.. import java.util.LinkedList import java.util.Queue import javax.swing.BorderFactory import javax.swing.JButton import javax.swing.JComponent.. java.util.Queue import javax.swing.BorderFactory import javax.swing.JButton import javax.swing.JComponent import javax.swing.JFrame..