java Programming Glossary: java.util.regex
Is there an equivalent of java.util.regex for “glob” type patterns? there an equivalent of java.util.regex for &ldquo glob&rdquo type patterns Is there a standard preferably..
Java Regex Replace with Capturing Group [duplicate] are only in the tests in the main method . import java.util.regex. A Rewriter does a global substitution in the strings passed..
java.util.regex - importance of Pattern.compile()? importance of Pattern.compile What is the importance of Pattern.compile..
Extracting URLs from a text document using Java + Regular Expressions to be a starting point for you import java.util. import java.util.regex. class FindUrls public static List String extractUrls String..
How can I perform a partial match with java.util.regex.*? can I perform a partial match with java.util.regex. I have been using the java.util.regex. classes for Regular.. partial match with java.util.regex. I have been using the java.util.regex. classes for Regular Expression in Java and all good so far... the hitEnd method works exactly as you described import java.util.regex. public class Test public static void main String args throws..
Is there a way to split strings with String.split() and include the delimiters? string splitting share improve this question import java.util.regex. import java.util.LinkedList public class Splitter private static..
Java equivalent to PHP's preg_replace_callback without too much difficulty using the Matcher class import java.util.regex. public class CallbackMatcher public static interface Callback..
Regular expression match a sentence [closed] the ending punctuation. ^. s ^. . ' s ^. . ' s import java.util.regex. public class TEST public static void main String args String..
Why is StringTokenizer deprecated? this functionality use the split method of String or the java.util.regex package instead. If you look at String.split and compare it..
Only allowing numbers and a symbol (-) to be typed into a JTextField import javax.swing. import javax.swing.text. import java.util.regex. public class NumberOnlyFilter extends DocumentFilter public..