java Programming Glossary: java.lang.object
Adding jRadioButton into jTable javax.swing.JTable java.lang.Object boolean boolean int int @Override public Component getTableCellRendererComponent..
Scala equivalent of Java java.lang.Class<T> Object Type System val c new C val clazz c.getClass method from java.lang.Object val clazz2 classOf C Scala method classOf C ~ C.class val methods..
Why is the clone() method protected in java.lang.Object? is the clone method protected in java.lang.Object What is the specific reason that clone is defined as protected.. the specific reason that clone is defined as protected in java.lang.Object java oop clone share improve this question The fact that..
Places where JavaBeans are used? Date birthdate this.birthdate birthdate Important java.lang.Object overrides. public boolean equals Object other return other instanceof..
Why java.lang.Object is not abstract? [duplicate] java.lang.Object is not abstract duplicate Possible Duplicate Java Rationale.. share improve this question Without the designers of java.lang.Object telling us we have to base our answers on opinion. There's a.. for generics. There's also the unforgettable point that java.lang.Object was designed by humans they may have made a mistake they may..
How to use Hibernate @Any-related annotations? they don't have any ancestor entity the common ancestor is java.lang.Object. Still we would like to have one Borrow entity which can refer..
How to properly override clone method? you can do in this case make sure that MyObject extends java.lang.Object implements java.lang.Cloneable . If that's the case then you..
What is null in Java? that by contract it also has this special property from java.lang.Object public boolean equals Object obj For any non null reference..
What is the concept of erasure in generics in java? trickery. The compiled generic code actually just uses java.lang.Object wherever you talk about T or some other type parameter and there's.. thing but the emitted code again just talks in terms of java.lang.Object the compiler generates extra casts where necessary. At execution..
Bug in eclipse compiler or in javac (“type parameters of T cannot be determined”) instance exists for type variable T with upper bounds T java.lang.Object . When I change readObject String file to @SuppressWarnings..
Why does this go into an infinite loop? update Here's the bytecode public class Tests extends java.lang.Object public Tests Code 0 aload_0 1 invokespecial #1 Method java lang..
How to ensure hashCode() is consistent with equals()? with equals When overriding the equals function of java.lang.Object the javadocs suggest that it is generally necessary to override..
How to convert from int to String? from public class TestClass extends java.lang.Object public TestClass Code 0 aload_0 1 invokespecial #1 Method java..
Why won't this generic java code compile? compiler error. 20 incompatible types found java.lang.Object required java.lang.String String s3 fail.getMap .get Compiler..
Accessing Java static final ivar value through reflection public class scratch.ReflectionConstantTest extends java.lang.Object public scratch.ReflectionConstantTest Code 0 aload_0 1 invokespecial..
Why isn't there a java.lang.Array class? If a java array is an Object, shouldn't it extend Object? ia.getClass .getSuperclass which prints class I class java.lang.Object where the string I is the run time type signature for the class..