

java Programming Glossary: jarentry

How to use JarOutputStream to create a JAR file?


.replace if name.isEmpty if name.endsWith name JarEntry entry new JarEntry name entry.setTime source.lastModified target.putNextEntry.. name.isEmpty if name.endsWith name JarEntry entry new JarEntry name entry.setTime source.lastModified target.putNextEntry entry.. nestedFile source.listFiles add nestedFile target return JarEntry entry new JarEntry source.getPath .replace entry.setTime source.lastModified..

How can I enumerate all classes in a package and add them to a List?


file JarFile jarFile new JarFile jarPath Enumeration JarEntry entries jarFile.entries while entries.hasMoreElements JarEntry.. entries jarFile.entries while entries.hasMoreElements JarEntry entry entries.nextElement String entryName entry.getName if.. relPath.length .length System.out.println ClassDiscovery JarEntry entryName String className entryName.replace ' ' '.' .replace..

Listing the files in a directory of the current JAR file


try jarFile new JarInputStream new FileInputStream jar JarEntry jarEntry do try jarEntry jarFile.getNextJarEntry catch IOException.. jar JarEntry jarEntry do try jarEntry jarFile.getNextJarEntry catch IOException ioe throw new CCException.Error Unable to.. String jar final String packageName final List classes JarEntry jarEntry throws Error String className jarEntry.getName if className.endsWith..

How to load a folder from a .jar?


new JarFile URLDecoder.decode jarPath UTF 8 Enumeration JarEntry entries jar.entries gives ALL entries in jar Set String result..

How can I find all the methods that call a given method in Java?


JarFile jarFile new JarFile jarPath Enumeration JarEntry entries jarFile.entries while entries.hasMoreElements JarEntry.. entries jarFile.entries while entries.hasMoreElements JarEntry entry entries.nextElement if entry.getName .endsWith .class..