

java Programming Glossary: inaccurate

JFreeChart get mouse coordinates


I've tried using the domain crosshair value but that seems inaccurate and lags the actual mouse event. thanks Jeff java mouseevent..

Java loop for a certain duration


period. Instead use System.nanoTime . The former method is inaccurate in Windows while the latter method is accurate regardless of..

Java URLConnection : how could I find out a file's size?


to return an accurate Content Length so the value could be inaccurate but at least you would get some usable value most of the time...

static allocation in java - heap, stack and permanent generation


which may or may not be definitive. Often it is simplified inaccurate or just plain wrong. If you want definitive confirmation of.. space to store the return type of the method etc. That is inaccurate or at least you are not expressing yourself clearly . If some..

Restlet POSTing JSON to Appengine error


following reasons hint to authors Documentation is scarce inaccurate and sometimes contradictory explaining thing in different ways..

How to “correctly” detect DPI of display with Java?


17 and 20 displays now I've noticed on my new 27 LCD it's inaccurate so I have to change the 4th line to be more accurate isn't Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit.. I have manually put in PS Not only my Java app's DPI is inaccurate but also when I looked at several other apps on Windows 7 such..

Primitive type 'short' - casting in Java


important characteristics open. The intention behind this inaccurate language specification is clear. The same C programs are supposed..

Dynamic Variable Names in Java:


for int i 1 i 4 i n.put n i 5 That statement is slightly inaccurate. If you use BCEL or ASM you can declare the variables in the..

Getting last record from mysql


to your table. Existing rows would be assigned a possibly inaccurate sequence number but at least future rows will be correctly sequenced...