java Programming Glossary: exceptionininitializererror
Hibernate configuration on runtime catch Throwable ex Log exception throw new ExceptionInInitializerError ex But it just loads my configuration from hibernate.cfg.xm..
Proper usage of JDBC Connection Pool (Glassfish) .lookup name catch NamingException e throw new ExceptionInInitializerError e public static Connection getConnection throws SQLException.. SQLException return dataSource.getConnection I throw here ExceptionInInitializerError so that the application will immediately stop so that you don't..
MD5 Signing a HttpServletResponse MD5 catch NoSuchAlgorithmException e throw new ExceptionInInitializerError e public MD5ServletOutputStream ServletOutputStream output..
exception in initializer error all. Here is the error. Exception in thread main java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError at obd2ner.main 26 Caused by java.lang.ClassCastException.. binding pack share improve this question You get an ExceptionInInitializerError if something goes wrong in the static initializer block. class.. initializer block. class C static if something does wrong ExceptionInInitializerError Because static variables are initialized in static blocks there..
What is a IncompatibleClassChangeError exception in Java? i got this exception Exception in thread main java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError at fr.cc2i.intervention.dao.main.Main HibernateUtil. clinit.. catch Throwable ex Log exception throw new ExceptionInInitializerError ex public static Session getSession throws HibernateException..
Spring MVC, generating a form backing object from a request? Initial SessionFactory creation failed. ex throw new ExceptionInInitializerError ex public static SessionFactory getSessionFactory return sessionFactory..