

java Programming Glossary: corporation

Eclipse cannot load SWT libraries


I20110613 1736 java.version 1.7.0 java.vendor Oracle Corporation BootLoader constants OS linux ARCH x86_64 WS gtk NL en_GB Command..

.jar file keeps giving me “ could not find the main class”. Program will exit


Version Apache Ant 1.8.3 Created By 1.7.0_04 b20 Oracle Corporation Class Path X COMMENT src hihi Main Class testing2.hihi package..

How to run Java programs by clicking on their icon on Windows?


it using Java Web Start . Java Web Start JWS is the Oracle Corporation technology used to launch rich client Swing AWT SWT desktop..

Why do I get java.lang.AbstractMethodError when trying to load a blob in the db?


Title ojdbc14.jar Specification Vendor Oracle Corporation Specification Version Oracle JDBC Driver version Driver version Implementation Vendor Oracle Corporation Implementation Time Sat Feb 2 11 40 29 2008 java database oracle..

Java_home in Maven


maven 3.0.4 bin .. Java version 1.7.0_07 vendor Oracle Corporation Java home C Program Files Java jdk1.7.0_07 jre Default locale..

Crowdsourcing a Complete list of Common Java System Properties and Known Values


java.version 1.5.0 read only JAVA_VENDOR java.vendor IBM Corporation read only JAVA_VENDOR_URL java.vendor.url http www.ibm.com read.. 2.3 read only JAVA_VM_VENDOR java.vm.vendor IBM Corporation read only LINE_SEPARATOR line.separator read only OS_NAME os.name..

How do I detect which kind of JRE is installed — 32bit vs. 64bit


on 64bit Ubuntu 8.0.4 32bit IBM 1.5 java.vendor IBM Corporation java.vendor.url http www.ibm.com java.version 1.5.0 java.vm.info.. Inc. java.vm.specification.version 1.0 java.vm.vendor IBM Corporation java.vm.version 2.3 os.arch x86 os.name Linux os.version 2.6.24..