java Programming Glossary: componentlistener
JPanel which one of Listeners is proper for visibility is changed some rulles good bad experiences with AncestorListener ComponentListener or HierarchyListener listening for visibility of changes for.. import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent import java.awt.event.ComponentListener import java.awt.event.HierarchyEvent import java.awt.event.HierarchyListener.. pnlB.addHierarchyListener new EventHandler pnlA.addComponentListener new EventHandler pnlB.addComponentListener new EventHandler..
Drawing a Component to BufferedImage causes display corruption to StringBuffer . Consider ComponentAdapter in place of ComponentListener . Addendum As suggested here I got somewhat more flexible results..
Swing: resizing a JFrame like Frames in Linux e.g import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent import java.awt.event.ComponentListener import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener import javax.swing... getContentPane .getHeight getContentPane .add panel2 addComponentListener new ComponentListener @Override public void componentShown.. getContentPane .add panel2 addComponentListener new ComponentListener @Override public void componentShown ComponentEvent e @Override..
How to scroll to last row in a JTable in the visual side of things I decided to hook into the ComponentListener instead which provides among other things a componentResized.. expected. private JTable _table new JTable ... _table.addComponentListener new ComponentAdapter public void componentResized ComponentEvent..
AWT custom rendering - capture smooth resizes and eliminate resize flicker import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent import java.awt.event.ComponentListener import java.awt.event.MouseEvent import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener.. public class SmoothResize extends Frame implements ComponentListener MouseMotionListener public SmoothResize addComponentListener.. MouseMotionListener public SmoothResize addComponentListener this addMouseMotionListener this private boolean sizeChanged..
Why does setSelected on JCheckBox lose effect? public class ComponentEventDemo extends JPanel implements ComponentListener ItemListener private static final long serialVersionUID 1L private.. this panel.add checkbox panel.add field1 panel.addComponentListener this JScrollPane scrollPane new JScrollPane display frame new.. frame.add panel BorderLayout.SOUTH frame.addComponentListener this frame.setLocation 200 200 frame.pack frame.setVisible true..
Passing current Date below creates MAX ornaments for your tree. It uses a ComponentListener to relocate any outlying ornaments. package merrychristmas import.. this.setPreferredSize new Dimension 8 MAX 8 MAX this.addComponentListener new ComponentAdapter @Override relocate any outliers public..