

java Programming Glossary: beg

JNI in C++ to read file to jbyteArray


size_t len fl.tellg char ret new char len fl.seekg 0 ios beg fl.read ret len fl.close int i 0 jbyte a1 null while ret i '.. size_t len fl.tellg char ret new char len fl.seekg 0 ios beg fl.read ret len fl.close jbyteArray result env NewByteArray..

java.util.NoSuchElementException: No line found


int j 0 String loc new String size while j size beg 0 end str.indexOf ' ' if end 1 tmp str.substring beg end beg.. size beg 0 end str.indexOf ' ' if end 1 tmp str.substring beg end beg end 2 if end 1 tmp str.substring beg if beg str.length.. 0 end str.indexOf ' ' if end 1 tmp str.substring beg end beg end 2 if end 1 tmp str.substring beg if beg str.length str..