java Programming Glossary: b.tostring
When “” == s is false but “”.equals( s ) is true b new StringBuilder h b.deleteCharAt 0 System.out.println b.toString prints false Mystery solved. The code uses StringBuilder to..
Is string concatenaion really that slow? line while line in.readLine null b.append line return b.toString public static String inefficientRead BufferedReader in throws..
Replace last part of string yourString.lastIndexOf yourString.lastIndexOf 1 yourString b.toString Note This will throw Exceptions if the String doesn't contain..
Table like java data structure row data for int i row b.append i b.append n return b.toString class DataComparator implements Comparator private Direction..
How can I disable the default console handler, while using the java logging API? b.append System.getProperty line.separator return b.toString Handler fh new FileHandler test.txt fh.setFormatter formatter..
Comparing the values of two generic Numbers return new BigDecimal a.toString .compareTo new BigDecimal b.toString It's still not great though since it counts on toString returning..
clone(): ArrayList.clone() I thought does a shallow copy b ArrayList Integer a.clone a.add 6 System.out.println b.toString In the above piece of code i think clone does a shallow copy... point to the same memory location. However when i do b.toString the answer is only 5. Why is 6 also not displayed if clone does..
Very Large Numbers in Java Without using java.math.BigInteger
Swing component flickering when updated a lot b new StringBuffer while true b.append i NL a.setText b.toString a.setCaretPosition b.length try Thread.sleep 10 catch Exception.. new Runnable public void run a.setText b.toString a.setCaretPosition b.length And since you have to call setCaretPosition..