java Programming Glossary: b's
how to unproxy a hibernate object I realize the query can be optimized to eagerly fetch all B's. I'm looking for an alternative. java hibernate share improve..
Dealing with “Xerces hell” in Java/Maven? xml apis artifactId version 1.3.04 version Although B's jar is a lower version than A's jar Maven does not know that..
Can a Parent call Child Class methods? in A when happening in an instance of class B go to B's overrides. The overall design pattern is known as Template Method..
spring: set property of one bean by reading the property of another bean? call A's setList method passing in the result of calling B's getList method. The Spring configuration might look something..
How can I implement an abstract singleton class in Java? the static code executed is to change the accessibility on B's constructor to public and to call it. I'm using sun java6 jre..
Java toString - ToStringBuilder not sufficient; wont traverse fields. For example Object A has a collection of Object B's which has a collection of Object C's and A B C have additional..
Polymorphism - Overloading/Overriding B C.SomeStatic a will call A's a C.SomeStatic b will call B's a AND THIS IS POLYMORPHISM C will decide WHICH METHOD TO CALL..
Saving bidirectional ManyToMany the getter in class 'A' will return the correct subset of B's. However if I make changes to the list of Bs in 'A' the changes..
Hibernate one to zero or one mapping insert false update false column id unique true and Class B's mapping specifies one to one name a class A constrained true..
Button action to change the color of all tabbedpane panel java swing Color.BLUE I want to change the color of A from B's button action. But I failure. How can i solve this problem Thanks..