

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:42

iphone Programming Glossary: seeding

Random number function is misfiring


won't display a new random number. c objective c iphone random share improve this question The problem is you're seeding with time . time is only updated every second so if you click it within the second you will seed the generator with the..

How to use Sample Code of “Core Data with iCloud” session 227 in WWDC 2012?


error blockError if seedSuccess NSLog @ Successfully seeded iCloud Store from Fallback Store else NSLog @ Error seeding iCloud Store from fallback store @ error abort else NSLog @ Unable to add iCloud store @ error useFallbackStore YES.. error NSLog @ Added fallback store @ self.fallbackStore you can seed the fallback store if you want to examine seeding performance without iCloud enabled check to see if we need to seed data from the seed store if SEED_ICLOUD_STORE deleted..

generating random values in iPhone


objective c xcode random share improve this question arc4random is a built in function that does not require seeding and so therefore does not produce predictable sequences that can be generated by using a seed and it conveniently returns..

Augmented Reality movement


How do I generate random numbers on the iPhone?


srand(time(null)) on iPhone don't work =(


improve this question On iOS and OS X use arc4random instead. Higher quality randomness and no need to worry about seeding. However rand shouldn't be noticably periodic unless you're calling srand each time around. Or using the random numbers..