

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:09:26

iphone Programming Glossary: fullpath

How can you read a files MIME-type in objective-c


though since it's synchronous. NSString filePath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ imagename ofType @ jpg NSString fullPath filePath stringByExpandingTildeInPath NSURL fileUrl NSURL fileURLWithPath fullPath NSURLRequest fileUrlRequest NSURLRequest.. @ imagename ofType @ jpg NSString fullPath filePath stringByExpandingTildeInPath NSURL fileUrl NSURL fileURLWithPath fullPath NSURLRequest fileUrlRequest NSURLRequest alloc initWithURL fileUrl NSURLRequest fileUrlRequest NSURLRequest alloc initWithURL..

How to sort a NSArray which contains NSDictionary?


NSDocumentDirectory NSUserDomainMask YES NSString plistDirectory paths objectAtIndex 0 NSString fullPath plistDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent @ data.plist NSMutableDictionary pData NSMutableDictionary alloc initWithContentsOfFile.. stringByAppendingPathComponent @ data.plist NSMutableDictionary pData NSMutableDictionary alloc initWithContentsOfFile fullPath NSMutableArray highscores pData valueForKey @ highscores How can I sort this now Thank you very much Have a nice day. PS..

Deleting all the files in the iPhone sandbox (documents folder)?


contentsOfDirectoryAtPath documentsDirectory error error if error nil for NSString path in directoryContents NSString fullPath documentsDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent path BOOL removeSuccess fileMgr removeItemAtPath fullPath error error..

How can I write an iPhone app entirely in JavaScript without making it just a web app?


filePath if htmlData NSBundle bundle NSBundle mainBundle NSString path bundle bundlePath NSString fullPath NSBundle pathForResource @ index ofType @ html inDirectory path webView loadRequest NSURLRequest requestWithURL NSURL fileURLWithPath.. @ index ofType @ html inDirectory path webView loadRequest NSURLRequest requestWithURL NSURL fileURLWithPath fullPath Now any files you have added as resources to the project are available for use in your web app. I've got an index.html file..

Best way to download large files from web to iPhone for writing to disk


I have the following mediaData NSData alloc initWithContentsOfURL NSURL URLWithString path mediaData writeToFile fullPath atomically YES mediaData release As I mentioned this works for something like a picture but not for something like say a..

How can I use iCloud to synchronize a .zip file between my apps?


ZipArchive za ZipArchive alloc init za CreateZipFile2 zipFilePath if isDir for NSString path in subpaths NSString fullPath pathToCompress stringByAppendingPathComponent path if fileManager fileExistsAtPath fullPath isDirectory isDir isDir za.. path in subpaths NSString fullPath pathToCompress stringByAppendingPathComponent path if fileManager fileExistsAtPath fullPath isDirectory isDir isDir za addFileToZip fullPath newname path else za addFileToZip pathToCompress newname toCompress.. stringByAppendingPathComponent path if fileManager fileExistsAtPath fullPath isDirectory isDir isDir za addFileToZip fullPath newname path else za addFileToZip pathToCompress newname toCompress BOOL successCompressing za CloseZipFile2 if successCompressing..

Video Encoding using AVAssetWriter - CRASHES


CODE NOW WITH AUDIO void resizeVideo NSString pathy NSString newName pathy stringByAppendingString @ .down.mov NSURL fullPath NSURL fileURLWithPath newName NSURL path NSURL fileURLWithPath pathy NSLog @ Write Started NSError error nil AVAssetWriter.. pathy NSLog @ Write Started NSError error nil AVAssetWriter videoWriter AVAssetWriter alloc initWithURL fullPath fileType AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie error error NSParameterAssert videoWriter AVAsset avAsset AVURLAsset alloc initWithURL..

iphone: How to add Email functionality in iPhone Ebook App


NSDocumentDirectory NSUserDomainMask YES NSString documentsDirectory paths objectAtIndex 0 NSString fullPath documentsDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent NSString stringWithFormat @ @.abc @ userdata NSData myData NSData dataWithContentsOfFile.. NSString stringWithFormat @ @.abc @ userdata NSData myData NSData dataWithContentsOfFile fullPath picker addAttachmentData myData mimeType @ csv fileName @ userdata.abc NSString emailBody @ It is raining in sunny California..

How to write exif metadata to an image (not the camera roll, just a UIImage or JPEG)


withIntermediateDirectories NO attributes nil error error Create folder NSString imageName @ ImageName NSString fullPath dataPath stringByAppendingPathComponent NSString stringWithFormat @ @.jpg name add our image to the path dest_data writeToFile.. stringByAppendingPathComponent NSString stringWithFormat @ @.jpg name add our image to the path dest_data writeToFile fullPath atomically YES cleanup CFRelease destination CFRelease source Note how I'm not saving using the ALAssets but directly into..

UIDocumentsInteractionController shows iBooks but doesn't open it


stringWithFormat @ temp. @ file path pathExtension NSString docDir DataCenter getDocumentsDirectoryPath NSString fullPath docDir stringByAppendingPathComponent filenamePath NSURL url NSURL fileURLWithPath fullPath UIDocumentInteractionController.. NSString fullPath docDir stringByAppendingPathComponent filenamePath NSURL url NSURL fileURLWithPath fullPath UIDocumentInteractionController c UIDocumentInteractionController interactionControllerWithURL url BOOL success c presentOpenInMenuFromBarButtonItem..

Problem dealloc'ing memory used by UIImageViews with fairly large image in an UIScrollView


the bundle rather than having to find the path. However you can get the path to the bundle with the following NSString fullpath NSBundle mainBundle bundlePath Putting that all together here's what that looks like in code NSString fullpath NSBundle.. fullpath NSBundle mainBundle bundlePath Putting that all together here's what that looks like in code NSString fullpath NSBundle mainBundle bundlePath stringByAppendingString NSString stringWithFormat @ @ d.png self.nibName imageView.tag UIImage.. NSString stringWithFormat @ @ d.png self.nibName imageView.tag UIImage loadImage UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile fullpath imageView.image loadImage So adding that to my code above the full function looks like this CGFloat findHeight UIImageView..