c++ Programming Glossary: ugly
#pragma once vs include guards? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1143936/pragma-once-vs-include-guards prone when coping and pasting. It is also slightly less ugly Note to get the faster compile times we could use Redundant..
static constructors in C++? need to initialize private static objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1197106/static-constructors-in-c-need-to-initialize-private-static-objects outside the class but once again it seems sort of like an ugly hack. Is it possible to have private static data members in..
How do I remove code duplication between similar const and non-const member functions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/123758/how-do-i-remove-code-duplication-between-similar-const-and-non-const-member-func C this .get char c The two casts and function call may be ugly but it's correct. Meyers has a thorough explanation why. share..
Difference between string and char[] types in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1287306/difference-between-string-and-char-types-in-c more than 256 chars into the array it might crash produce ugly assertion messages or cause unexplainable mis behavior somewhere..
Converting epoch time to “real” date/time http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1692184/converting-epoch-time-to-real-date-time far I have the following algorithm which to me feels a bit ugly void DateTime splitTicks time_t time seconds time 60 time 60..
Splitting templated C++ classes into .hpp/.cpp files--is it possible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1724036/splitting-templated-c-classes-into-hpp-cpp-files-is-it-possible link in as a standalone object file That seems awfully ugly In that case I might as well revert to my previous state and..
What is the most elegant way to read a text file with c++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/195323/what-is-the-most-elegant-way-to-read-a-text-file-with-c text.txt rt .read It is very simple and elegant. I hate ugly stuff so I'd like to know what is the most elegant way to read..
How might I wrap the FindXFile-style APIs to the STL-style Iterator Pattern in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2531874/how-might-i-wrap-the-findxfile-style-apis-to-the-stl-style-iterator-pattern-in-c Iterator Pattern in C I'm working on wrapping up the ugly innards of the FindFirstFile FindNextFile loop though my question..
What are the pitfalls of ADL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2958648/what-are-the-pitfalls-of-adl said it's also very very flawed and can lead to really ugly problems. There have been several proposals to fix argument..
In C++, is it still bad practice to return a vector from a function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3134831/in-c-is-it-still-bad-practice-to-return-a-vector-from-a-function a move constructor or do C programmers consider it weird ugly abomination Long version In C 0x is this still considered bad..
Can we increase the re-usability of this key-oriented access-protection pattern? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3324898/can-we-increase-the-re-usability-of-this-key-oriented-access-protection-pattern not very difficult to use the macro can be seen as a bit ugly requiring a block of passkey definitions. However improvements..
Advantages of using forward http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3582001/advantages-of-using-forward rvalue. Perfect. And of course we want to get rid of the ugly. static_cast T is cryptic and weird to remember let's instead..
OpenCV: process every frame http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3907028/opencv-process-every-frame image IplImage gray_frame 0 Manual grayscale conversion ugly but shows how to access each channel of the pixels individually..
Singleton instance declared as static variable of GetInstance method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/449436/singleton-instance-declared-as-static-variable-of-getinstance-method destructor of a global variable. A Safer definition but ugly I am sure you can add some appropriate macros to tidy this up..
When and how should I use exception handling? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4506369/when-and-how-should-i-use-exception-handling Exception checks in every function are redundant and ugly. Also I can't recommend enough getting familiar with RAII that..
How to implement the factory pattern in C++ correctly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5120768/how-to-implement-the-factory-pattern-in-c-correctly return Foo some args OK... there we have it. It's ugly as we need to change the method name. It's imperfect since we..
Will new return NULL in any case? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/550451/will-new-return-null-in-any-case after each and every new statement makes code look very ugly. c visual c memory management new operator vc6 share improve..
Why are NULL pointers defined differently in C and C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7016861/why-are-null-pointers-defined-differently-in-c-and-c have to write std fill v.begin v.end Object NULL This is ugly and somewhat defeats the purpose of the template system. To..
Workaround for non-deduced context http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8308213/workaround-for-non-deduced-context there any other solutions for this that do not result in ugly syntax in the using code c templates share improve this question..