c++ Programming Glossary: strs
Parse quoted strings with boost::spirit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10289985/parse-quoted-strings-with-boostspirit test_parser std string const_iterator grammar const char strs str1 'str2' 'str3' trailing ok 'st r4' embedded also ok.. r4' embedded also ok str5 str6' NULL for const char it strs it it const std string str it std string const_iterator iter..
how to convert from int to char*? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10847237/how-to-convert-from-int-to-char using namespace std int main int number 33 stringstream strs strs number string temp_str strs.str char char_type char temp_str.c_str.. namespace std int main int number 33 stringstream strs strs number string temp_str strs.str char char_type char temp_str.c_str.. number 33 stringstream strs strs number string temp_str strs.str char char_type char temp_str.c_str But is there any method..
Split a string using C++ boost::split without splitting inside quoted text http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13406387/split-a-string-using-c-boostsplit-without-splitting-inside-quoted-text splitting inside quoted text I am using boost split strs r_strCommandLine boost is_any_of t to spit a string into tokens.. which is a quoted string. i would like my tokens to be strs 0 command_name strs 1 first_argument strs 2 Second argument.. string. i would like my tokens to be strs 0 command_name strs 1 first_argument strs 2 Second argument which is a quoted string...
Can you help me get my head around openssl public key encryption with rsa.h in c++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2012645/can-you-help-me-get-my-head-around-openssl-public-key-encryption-with-rsa-h-in-c stm char int randomValue std string str stm.str const char strs str.c_str for int i 0 bytes i key i strs i int n RAND_bytes.. const char strs str.c_str for int i 0 bytes i key i strs i int n RAND_bytes key bytes if n 0 std cout Warning key was..
How do I convert a double into a string in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/332111/how-do-i-convert-a-double-into-a-string-in-c std string dbl The Standard C way std ostringstream strs strs dbl std string str strs.str share improve this answer..
Split string by single spaces [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5888022/split-string-by-single-spaces int split const std string txt std vector std string strs char ch unsigned int pos txt.find ch unsigned int initialPos.. ch unsigned int pos txt.find ch unsigned int initialPos 0 strs.clear Decompose statement while pos std string npos strs.push_back.. 0 strs.clear Decompose statement while pos std string npos strs.push_back txt.substr initialPos pos initialPos 1 initialPos..
SWIG wrapping C++ for Python: translating a list of strings to an STL vector of STL strings http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8469138/swig-wrapping-c-for-python-translating-a-list-of-strings-to-an-stl-vector-of using namespace std void print_function vector string strs for unsigned int i 0 i strs.size i cout strs i endl I want to.. print_function vector string strs for unsigned int i 0 i strs.size i cout strs i endl I want to wrap this into a Python function.. vector string strs for unsigned int i 0 i strs.size i cout strs i endl I want to wrap this into a Python function available..
How to split a space separated string into multiple strings in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8683302/how-to-split-a-space-separated-string-into-multiple-strings-in-c #include boost algorithm string.hpp std vector std string strs boost split strs string to split boost is_any_of t share improve.. string.hpp std vector std string strs boost split strs string to split boost is_any_of t share improve this answer..