c++ Programming Glossary: russian
Why isn't my new operator called http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1054697/why-isnt-my-new-operator-called g Wall fPIC shared library.cpp o library.so or as Employed Russian suggested to try but in the end nothing changed g g Wall fPIC.. compiler switch Bsymbolic for the library like Employed Russian suggested. Now What went wrong I thought shared library are.. Edit The important parts are in the comments to Employed Russian's Answer. So I'm giving the main clue in a nutshell If one calls..
I can't see the russian alpabet in Visual Studio 2008 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11790695/i-cant-see-the-russian-alpabet-in-visual-studio-2008 alpabet in Visual Studio 2008 I'm trying to output Russian words in Visual Studio 2008. I wrote #include iostream #include..
How to print unicode character in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12015571/how-to-print-unicode-character-in-c to print unicode character in C I am trying to print a Russian character which is given a code of decimal 1060 . Using C how..
Ways to do modulo multiplication with primitive types http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12168348/ways-to-do-modulo-multiplication-with-primitive-types c algorithm share improve this question You should use Russian Peasant multiplication . It uses repeated doubling to compute..
What does “E” stand for in the name of C++11 standard “ISO/IEC 14882:2011(E)” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12575807/what-does-e-stand-for-in-the-name-of-c11-standard-iso-iec-148822011e the three official languages of ISO are English French and Russian. One of the links on the page is to The 3 official full names.. IEC GUIDE 2 2004 E F R because it is in English French and Russian. I've not yet found where the notation is defined by ISO itself..
UTF-8, CString and CFile? (C++, MFC) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2318481/utf-8-cstring-and-cfile-c-mfc to something you can use. This example shows working with Russian text that is in UTF 16 format saving it to UTF 8 Example 1 convert.. in UTF 16 format saving it to UTF 8 Example 1 convert from Russian text in UTF 16 note the L in front of the string into UTF 8... strlen russianTextAsUtf8 More likely your Russian text is in some other code page such as KOI 8R. In that case..
How I can print the wchar_t values to console? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2493785/how-i-can-print-the-wchar-t-values-to-console namespace std int main wchar_t en L Hello wchar_t ru L ΠΈΠ²Π΅ Russian language cout ru endl en return 0 This code only prints HEX..
playing with GCC 4.6 on windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4119911/playing-with-gcc-4-6-on-windows not really familiar with the site you linked as it's in Russian. The only other place I've found that offers current snapshots..
Windows Codepage Interactions with Standard C/C++ filenames? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/480849/windows-codepage-interactions-with-standard-c-c-filenames JIS cp932 or Chinese Simplified Big 5 cp936 Korean Arabic Russian you name it as long as it matches the OS system code page ...
Where and why do I have to put the “template” and “typename” keywords? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/610245/where-and-why-do-i-have-to-put-the-template-and-typename-keywords even if they have destructors etc. I implemented this as a Russian doll i.e. Union T1 T2 T3 derives from UnionNode T1 UnionNode..
How does file encoding affect C++11 string literals? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6794590/how-does-file-encoding-affect-c11-string-literals with uNNNN but that is not very readable for say a full Russian or French sentence which typically contain more than one unicode..
I can't see the russian alpabet in Visual Studio 2008 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11790695/i-cant-see-the-russian-alpabet-in-visual-studio-2008 can't see the russian alpabet in Visual Studio 2008 I'm trying to output Russian..
UTF-8, CString and CFile? (C++, MFC) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2318481/utf-8-cstring-and-cfile-c-mfc I'm using CFiles and CStrings. When I get to write utf 8 russian characters to be more precise data into a file the output looks.. my system settings changing non ASCII characters to a russian encoding table does work but then all my latin based non ascii.. strlen outputString Everything compiles fine but the russian characters are shown as . Getting closer but still not that...
How can i use tesseract ocr(or any other free ocr) in small c++ project? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5079635/how-can-i-use-tesseract-ocror-any-other-free-ocr-in-small-c-project their docs. Cuinform i download and great everything is in russian Is it really hard for those guys to pull a small example instead..
boost-program-options: notifier for options with no value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7174781/boost-program-options-notifier-for-options-with-no-value share improve this question One guy OXPEHOMETP on a russian programmers forum gave me a pice of advice to use boost program_options..