c++ Programming Glossary: nz
C++ Memory Efficient Solution for Ax=b Linear Algebra System http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1242190/c-memory-efficient-solution-for-ax-b-linear-algebra-system generate_sparse_matrix_problem int n int i row index int nz nonzero index int nnz 2 3 n 2 2 number of nonzeros int Ti row.. int n int i row index int nz nonzero index int nnz 2 3 n 2 2 number of nonzeros int Ti row indices.. int n int i row index int nz nonzero index int nnz 2 3 n 2 2 number of nonzeros int Ti row indices int Tj col indices..
Opengl Vertex attribute stride http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4291271/opengl-vertex-attribute-stride looks like this struct SVertex float x y z float nx ny nz float tx ty tz float bx by bz float tu1 tv1 float tu2 tv2 Then.. case x . So by my calculations this should be 13 nx ny nz tx ty....tuv2 tv2 times 4 the size of a float . Oh and one more..
How to project a 3d point to a 3d plane http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9605556/how-to-project-a-3d-point-to-a-3d-plane that vector with the normal vector n dist vx nx vy ny vz nz dist scalar distance from point to plane along the normal 3..