c++ Programming Glossary: migrate
Displaying the #include hierarchy for a C++ file in Visual Studio http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1137966/displaying-the-include-hierarchy-for-a-c-file-in-visual-studio Problem I have a large Visual C project that I'm trying to migrate to Visual Studio 2010. It's a huge mix of stuff from various..
What is Linux?™s native GUI API? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12717138/what-is-linuxs-native-gui-api and many distributions have said they will at some point migrate to it though there is still no clear schedule. This system is..
#ifdef vs #if - which is better/safer as a method for enabling/disabling compilation of particular sections of code? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/135069/ifdef-vs-if-which-is-better-safer-as-a-method-for-enabling-disabling-compila #endif Second you're in a better position if you want to migrate from a #define to a global constant. #define s are usually frowned..
Could multiple proxy classes make up a STL-proof bitvector? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14061694/could-multiple-proxy-classes-make-up-a-stl-proof-bitvector data structure. The hope is that a future C standard may migrate in this direction to the benefit of the C programmer. share..
Parallel for vs omp simd: when to use each? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14674049/parallel-for-vs-omp-simd-when-to-use-each to distribute work onto different threads which can then migrate to multiple cores and you'll want to use omp simd to make use..
Convert inline assembly code to C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16142284/convert-inline-assembly-code-to-c C I am working on a cpp project. The project need to be migrated to 64 bit. It contains some Inline assembly code which cannot.. fstp qword ptr ebx break I used stack array to migrate this asm push val but didn't work. Although It don't throw any..
Inline assembly language http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16294841/inline-assembly-language while ptr begin int val ptr __asm push val I want to migrate this __asm push val to cpp. This function is called four times..
How to compile DEC UNIX v4.0 application source code in Linux? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20709783/how-to-compile-dec-unix-v4-0-application-source-code-in-linux code but I have trouble in compile. cc O2 Olimit 2000 g migrate assume Zp1 noaligned_objects ... cc error 2000 No such file.. or directory cc error unrecognized command line option migrate cc error unrecognized command line option assume cc error unrecognized..
wxWidgets vs Qt [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2886258/wxwidgets-vs-qt Qt. wxWidgets was made to help users that was using MFC to migrate easier to a better and less buggy GUI framework. So what wxWidgets..
gcc optimization? bug? and its practial implication to project http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2892477/gcc-optimization-bug-and-its-practial-implication-to-project Question 3 Suppose I have a huge code base an I migrate my compiler version such bug optimisation can cause havoc in..
C over C++ [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/632474/c-over-c C rather than C . In many cases it's not practical to migrate. This is especially so since mature applications have found..
Simply including SDL header causes linker error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7071971/simply-including-sdl-header-causes-linker-error including SDL header causes linker error I was going to migrate my game from glut to sdl. It's working perfectly in glut but..