c++ Programming Glossary: microsoft's
Visual Studio 6 tips and tricks [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/147339/visual-studio-6-tips-and-tricks of us would invariably have to support 'legacy' code using Microsoft's Visual Studio 6.0 IDEs which although opinions would differ..
When and why will an OS initialise memory to 0xCD, 0xDD, etc. on malloc/free/new/delete? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/370195/when-and-why-will-an-os-initialise-memory-to-0xcd-0xdd-etc-on-malloc-free-new share improve this question A quick summary of what Microsoft's compilers use for various bits of unowned uninitialized memory..
What are Aggregates and PODs and how/why are they special? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4178175/what-are-aggregates-and-pods-and-how-why-are-they-special f is ill formed whereas g is well formed. Note that Microsoft's compiler is too liberal with this rule ”it just issues a warning..
undefined reference to `WinMain@16' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5259714/undefined-reference-to-winmain16 i Windows 3 subsystem Windows CUI C test _ However with Microsoft's toolchain building as GUI subsystem does not work by default.. GUI subsystem . By default when the subsystem is GUI then Microsoft's linker uses a runtime library entry point the function where.. code execution starts called winMainCRTStartup that calls Microsoft's non standard WinMain instead of standard main . No big deal..
Is C# really slower than say C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5326269/is-c-sharp-really-slower-than-say-c life. Virtual Machine Like almost any reasonably modern VM Microsoft's for .NET can and will do JIT aka dynamic compilation. This represents.. of trade offs though. First almost every VM including Microsoft's I believe attempts to make intelligent decisions about what.. to run on a virtual machine with or without JIT . In fact Microsoft's C CLI is nearly that an almost conforming C compiler albeit..
Operator Precedence vs Order of Evaluation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5473107/operator-precedence-vs-order-of-evaluation article but quite a few MSDN articles talk about Microsoft's Managed C and or C CLI but do little or nothing to point out..
What does T&& (double ampersand) mean in C++11? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5481539/what-does-t-double-ampersand-mean-in-c11 a fantastic in depth look at rvalue references by one of Microsoft's standard library developers http blogs.msdn.com b vcblog archive..
Will new return NULL in any case? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/550451/will-new-return-null-in-any-case in this regard. VC6's new returned 0 or NULL . Here's Microsoft's KB Article on this issue along with their suggested workaround..
System where 1 byte != 8 bit? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5516044/system-where-1-byte-8-bit CE does roughly the same its smallest type at least with Microsoft's compiler is 16 bits. They do not however treat a char as 16..
Difference between void main and int main? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/636829/difference-between-void-main-and-int-main char argv is not and was IIRC a perversity that came with Microsoft's C compiler. http www.parashift.com c faq lite newbie.html#faq..
Whats the difference between the WIN32 and _WIN32 defines in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/662084/whats-the-difference-between-the-win32-and-win32-defines-in-c and even define in your own code and so might clash with Microsoft's usage. _WIN32 is a name that is reserved for the implementor..
Subclass/inherit standard containers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6806173/subclass-inherit-standard-containers designs that are very hard to change down the road think Microsoft's MFC or their .NET or well they make this mistake a lot . Instead..
Lightweight and portable regex library for C/C++? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/923500/lightweight-and-portable-regex-library-for-c-c Regular Expressions And a couple of year ago I used Microsoft's GRETA but it seems to be abandoned and I don't know if it's..