

c++ Programming Glossary: macosx10.5.sdk

GCC debugger stack trace displays wrong file name and line number


D_DEBUG DXCODE D_ WXMAC _ isysroot Developer SDKs MacOSX10.5.sdk mfix and continue fvisibility inlines hidden mmacosx version.. Developer usr bin g 4.0 arch i386 isysroot Developer SDKs MacOSX10.5.sdk L Users adriangrigore Documents Gemsweeper Mac build Debug L.. Documents Gemsweeper Mac build Debug L Developer SDKs MacOSX10.5.sdk usr local lib L opt local lib F Users adriangrigore Documents..

Unable to run an application compiled on OS-X Snow Leopard (10.6.7) on another Mac using OS-X Leopard (10.5.8). libstdc++.6.dylib error returned


Resources ... Ogre .cfg my assets I told Cmake to use the MacOSX10.5.sdk using set inside the Cmake GUI not inside the CMakeList.txt.. 10.5 CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT Developer SDKs MacOSX10.5.sdk But it doesn't seems to change anything... The libstdc .dylib.. Mac used to test portability. But as I told it to use the MacOSX10.5.sdk I though it would use the libstdc .6.0.4.dylib at compile time..