

c++ Programming Glossary: m_mutex

Need some feedback on how to make a class “thread-safe”


action decltype action m_value boost mutex scope_lock lock m_mutex TValue value m_value return action value private boost mutex.. value m_value return action value private boost mutex m_mutex TValue m_value Extra paranthesis necessary otherwise c interprets.. m_value std move value lock get return lock m_value m_mutex private boost mutex m_mutex TValue m_value Extra paranthesis..

how to make an application thread safe?


miss it you can't protect it create a member boost mutex m_mutex and use it whenever you try to access that shared member data..

Double-Checked Lock Singleton in C++11


std memory_order_relaxed std lock_guard std mutex lock m_mutex if m_instance.load std memory_order_acquire Tp i new Tp m_instance.store.. std memory_order_acquire std lock_guard std mutex lock m_mutex if instance m_instance.load std memory_order_relaxed instance..

Boost, Shared Memory and Vectors


m_stack m_segment find StringStack MyStack .first m_mutex new named_mutex open_or_create named_mutex ~SharedMemoryWrapper.. shared_memory_object remove m_name.c_str delete m_mutex delete m_segment void push const std string in scoped_lock.. push const std string in scoped_lock named_mutex lock m_mutex boost interprocess string inStr in.c_str m_stack push_back inStr..

What comes first - stack unwinding or copying of return values


Protect GetValues const private Protect m_protVal Mutex m_mutex Protect Test GetValues const CLockGuard lock m_mutex return.. Mutex m_mutex Protect Test GetValues const CLockGuard lock m_mutex return m_protVal int main int argc char argv Test myTestInstance..