c++ Programming Glossary: l_size
How to resolve pointer alias issues? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3674814/how-to-resolve-pointer-alias-issues size_t p_Size void p_List if p_Size 0 return 0 size_t l_Size p_Size 2 void l_Ptr List_To_Tree l_Size p_List void l_This p_List.. 0 return 0 size_t l_Size p_Size 2 void l_Ptr List_To_Tree l_Size p_List void l_This p_List p_List tc_Policy Right_Of l_This tc_Policy.. tc_Policy Right_Of l_This tc_Policy Left_Of l_This l_Ptr l_Size p_Size l_Size 1 tc_Policy Right_Of l_This List_To_Tree l_Size..
Implementation of Vector in C++ [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5159061/implementation-of-vector-in-c T Newbuffer new T capacity assert Newbuffer unsigned int l_Size capacity my_size capacity my_size copy buffer buffer l_Size.. capacity my_size capacity my_size copy buffer buffer l_Size Newbuffer for unsigned int i 0 i l_Size i Newbuffer i buffer.. copy buffer buffer l_Size Newbuffer for unsigned int i 0 i l_Size i Newbuffer i buffer i my_capacity capacity delete buffer buffer..