c++ Programming Glossary: keydown
C++ console keyboard events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2067893/c-console-keyboard-events to get key events in a Windows console I need a way to get keydown and keyup events quickly without a GUI. I've tried using getch.. GetKeyState or GetAsyncKeyState but that won't give you keydown keyup events. It will only tell you what keys are currently.. keys are currently down. So if you really need to get the keydown keyup events you could install a hook. A Console window has..
SendInput() isn't “sending” the correct shifted characters? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2167156/sendinput-isnt-sending-the-correct-shifted-characters key down input.ki.wVk vk 0xFF send keyup for each of the keydown You also have to send a keyup for every keydown. Footnotes 1.. of the keydown You also have to send a keyup for every keydown. Footnotes 1 This is in theory only in practice standard PC..