

c++ Programming Glossary: accumulator_set

Is it possible to use boost accumulators with vectors?


dumbest thing using namespace boost accumulators stuff... accumulator_set vector double stats tag mean acc vector double some_vetor stuff.. with where n is the number of elements in your vector accumulator_set std vector double stats tag mean acc std vector double n I tried.. code mean gives me a std vector of size 2 int main accumulator_set std vector double stats tag mean acc std vector double 2 const..

Using boost::accumulators, how can I reset a rolling window size, does it keep extra history?


#include boost accumulators statistics rolling_mean.hpp accumulator_set int stats tag rolling_mean acc tag rolling_window window_size.. is to assign it to a new one. For example typedef accumulator_set int ... template crazyness tags ... window_acc window_acc acc..

calculate mean and standard deviation from a vector of samples in C++ using boost


way to compute means and standard deviations in boost . accumulator_set double stats tag variance acc for_each a_vec.begin a_vec.end..