

c++ Programming Glossary: modifications

In which versions of the C++ standard does “(i+=10)+=10” have undefined behaviour?


share improve this question tl dr The sequence of the modifications and reads performed in i 10 10 is well defined in both C 98.. sufficient to make the behavior defined. In C 98 multiple modifications to the same object without an intervening sequence point results.. results in undefined behavior even when the order of those modifications is well specified. This expression does not contain any sequence..

Compiling Qt 4.8.x for Visual Studio 2012


and copy the files from win32 msvc2010 possibly with some modifications Another sub question is whether I should make some modifications.. Another sub question is whether I should make some modifications to Qt sources before starting compilation. c qt visual studio..

Is there a working C++ refactoring tool?


of code usually is not done satisfying without manual modifications and therefore does not pay off. Visual Assist X has nice features..

How to pass parameters correctly?


object being passed so that after the call returns modifications to that object will be visible to the caller then you should.. that future reads through that pointer will see the value modifications that have been performed in some other part of the code In this..

Main's Signature in C++


argv If I am then that's clearly prohibited. So are these modifications guaranteed to work on a standards conforming compiler c signature..

How to learn proper C++? [closed]


that I learned C by example and picked up C as a series of modifications to C. And a lot of my early C work was creating class wrappers..

Pass by Reference / Value in C++


the words If the function modifies that value the modifications appear also within the scope of the calling function for both..

Pretty-print C++ STL containers


The enable if type trait requires C 0x but with some modifications it should be possible to make a C 98 version of this. Tuples..

Effective C++ Item 23 Prefer non-member non-friend functions to member functions


so that Algorithms may be executed on them. All modifications are made through the container interface so that the invariants..

Building glew on windows with mingw


MinGW you should do copied from the make log with slight modifications and additional explanations mkdir lib mkdir bin gcc DGLEW_NO_GLU..

Does const-correctness give the compiler more room for optimization?


int restrict p ...then the compiler may assume that no modifications to p occur during the lifetime of p i.e. during the execution..

Should we still be optimizing “in the small”?


that post increment and pre increment perform the same modifications to the object so it can not assume that one can be replaced..

OpenCV C++/Obj-C: Detecting a sheet of paper / Square Detection


I decided to accept the challenge. I made some modifications to the squares demo present in OpenCV and the resulting C code..

Attribute & Reflection libraries for C++?


serialisation of attributes Listening to attribute modifications e.g. OnValueChanged c reflection attributes share improve..