

c# Programming Glossary: temptable

LINQ sort a flat list based on childorder


For the problem let assume you have the following Table TempTable ID int ParentID int Name varchar SortOrder int The ID and ParentID.. ... This is one of my failed tries from x in EntityModel.TempTables DbSet TempTable by EntityFramework which already holds all.. of my failed tries from x in EntityModel.TempTables DbSet TempTable by EntityFramework which already holds all elements orderby..

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cmd new SqlCommand sql conn cmd.Connection.Open DataTable TempTable new DataTable TempTable.Load cmd.ExecuteReader return TempTable.. cmd.Connection.Open DataTable TempTable new DataTable TempTable.Load cmd.ExecuteReader return TempTable sooner or later you.. new DataTable TempTable.Load cmd.ExecuteReader return TempTable sooner or later you will probably use stored procedures. you..

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LINQ sort a flat list based on childorder


var flatList OrderChilds rootElement .ToList foreach var tempTable in flatList Console.WriteLine string.Format ID 0 ParentID 1.. string.Format ID 0 ParentID 1 Name 2 SortOrder 3 tempTable.ID tempTable.ParentID tempTable.Name tempTable.SortOrder return.. ID 0 ParentID 1 Name 2 SortOrder 3 tempTable.ID tempTable.ParentID tempTable.Name tempTable.SortOrder return flatList..