c# Programming Glossary: responsestring
How to create custom config section in app.config? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1316058/how-to-create-custom-config-section-in-app-config this.BaseAdd index value public new Company this string responseString get return Company BaseGet responseString set if BaseGet.. this string responseString get return Company BaseGet responseString set if BaseGet responseString null BaseRemoveAt BaseIndexOf.. return Company BaseGet responseString set if BaseGet responseString null BaseRemoveAt BaseIndexOf BaseGet responseString BaseAdd..
C# HttpWebRequest times out after two server 500 errors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4033159/c-sharp-httpwebrequest-times-out-after-two-server-500-errors responseStream Encoding.UTF8 String responseString responseReader.ReadToEnd MessageBox.Show responseString return.. responseString responseReader.ReadToEnd MessageBox.Show responseString return responseString catch Exception e MessageBox.Show.. MessageBox.Show responseString return responseString catch Exception e MessageBox.Show e.Message return FAIL..
Deserialization Error: The XML element 'name' from namespace '' is already present in the current scope http://stackoverflow.com/questions/523245/deserialization-error-the-xml-element-name-from-namespace-is-already-prese variable so that we can then load into an XML doc string responseString reader.ReadToEnd Create an XML document load it with the response.. an XML document load it with the response data doc.LoadXml responseString Final XML document that represents the response return doc..
HttpWebRequest times out on second call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5827030/httpwebrequest-times-out-on-second-call request.Timeout 5000 request.Proxy null Read stream string responseString String.Empty try using var response request.GetResponse using.. using StreamReader objReader new StreamReader objStream responseString objReader.ReadToEnd objReader.Close objStream.Flush objStream.Close.. finally request.Abort request null GC.Collect return responseString Thrown WebException is The operation has timed out System.Net.WebException..