

c# Programming Glossary: za

Converting Unicode strings to escaped ascii string


string value return Regex.Replace value @ u Value a zA Z0 9 4 m return char int.Parse m.Groups Value .Value NumberStyles.HexNumber..

How do I filter all HTML tags except a certain whitelist?


link title string stringPattern @ acceptable @ notag a zA Z0 9 s a zA Z0 9 ' . 1 s return Regex.Replace html stringPattern.. string stringPattern @ acceptable @ notag a zA Z0 9 s a zA Z0 9 ' . 1 s return Regex.Replace html stringPattern sausage.. Dim WhiteListPattern As String AcceptableTags _ notag a zA Z0 9 s a zA Z0 9 ' . 1 s html Regex.Replace html WhiteListPattern..

How to remove all non alphanumeric characters from a string except dash


c# regex share improve this question Replace ^a zA Z0 9 with an empty string. Regex rgx new Regex ^a zA Z0 9 str..

How to match hyphens with Regular Expression?


hyphens with Regular Expression How to rewrite the a zA Z0 9 t r n pattern to match hyphen along with the existing characters.. regex share improve this question Escape the hyphen. a zA Z0 9 t r n UPDATE Never mind this answer you can add the hyphen..

How check if given string is legal (allowed) file name under Windows?


under Windows. I tried to use regular expression like a zA Z0 9_ but it doesn't include many national specific characters..

C# code to linkify urls in a string


like var html Regex.Replace html @ ^ http https ftp a zA Z0 9 . . a zA Z 2 3 a zA Z0 9 a zA Z0 9 ._ ' amp # ~ a.. Regex.Replace html @ ^ http https ftp a zA Z0 9 . . a zA Z 2 3 a zA Z0 9 a zA Z0 9 ._ ' amp # ~ a href 1 1 a You.. html @ ^ http https ftp a zA Z0 9 . . a zA Z 2 3 a zA Z0 9 a zA Z0 9 ._ ' amp # ~ a href 1 1 a You may also be..

Why is OfType<> faster than Cast<>? [closed]


two Linq expressions var arr Regex.Matches strText @ b A Za z ' b .OfType Match OfType .Select m m.Groups 0 .Value .ToArray.. 0 .Value .ToArray and var arr Regex.Matches strText @ b A Za z ' b .Cast Match Cast .Select m m.Groups 0 .Value .ToArray..

Are there .NET Framework methods to parse an email (MIME)?


. z internal static string HeadersMatch @ ^ header_key A Za z0 9 seperator t header_value ^ r n r n t terminator r n internal..

Characters in string changed after downloading HTML from the internet


html Match m new Regex @ meta s . charset s s charset A Za z0 9_ RegexOptions.Singleline RegexOptions.IgnoreCase .Match..

.Net regex: what is the word character \w?


w in c# .net My first thought was that it matches A Za z0 9_ and the documentation tells me Character class Description..

is there a elegant way to parse a word and add spaces before capital letters


UC lc after me ^A Z A Z # Not UC before me UC after me A Za z ^A Za z # Letter before me non letter after me RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace.. after me ^A Z A Z # Not UC before me UC after me A Za z ^A Za z # Letter before me non letter after me RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace..

How do I have Open XML spreadsheet “uncollapse” cells in a spreadsheet?


name portion of the cell name. Regex regex new Regex A Za z Match match regex.Match cellReference return match.Value ..

Poor man's “lexer” for C#


new TokenDefinition @ #f FALSE new TokenDefinition @ A Za z SYMBOL new TokenDefinition @ . DOT new TokenDefinition @ LEFT..