

c# Programming Glossary: writer.writeattributestring

C# Custom Xml Serialization


other members as attributes writer.WriteStartElement MyB writer.WriteAttributeString Type this.MyB.GetType .ToString this.MyB.WriteXml writer writer.WriteEndElement.. y public void WriteXml XmlWriter writer writer.WriteAttributeString x this.X.ToString writer.WriteAttributeString y this.Y.ToString.. writer writer.WriteAttributeString x this.X.ToString writer.WriteAttributeString y this.Y.ToString NOTE Updated as I realised B was supposed..

XML serialization of interface property


set public void WriteXml XmlWriter writer if Value null writer.WriteAttributeString type null return Type type this.Value.GetType XmlSerializer.. XmlSerializer serializer new XmlSerializer type writer.WriteAttributeString type type.AssemblyQualifiedName serializer.Serialize writer..

XML Serialization and Inherited Types


must be FQN since Types can are external to current. writer.WriteAttributeString type type.AssemblyQualifiedName new XmlSerializer type .Serialize..

How to deal with XML in C#


People writer.WriteStartElement Person writer.WriteAttributeString Name Nick writer.WriteEndElement writer.WriteStartElement Person..

Proper way to implement IXmlSerializable?


evt reader.Read public void WriteXml XmlWriter writer writer.WriteAttributeString Name _name writer.WriteAttributeString Enabled _enabled.ToString.. XmlWriter writer writer.WriteAttributeString Name _name writer.WriteAttributeString Enabled _enabled.ToString writer.WriteAttributeString Color.. writer.WriteAttributeString Enabled _enabled.ToString writer.WriteAttributeString Color _color.ToArgb .ToString foreach MyEvent evt in _events..

What is the best way to build XML in C# code? [closed]


XmlWriter.Create Console.Out writer.WriteStartElement Foo writer.WriteAttributeString Bar Some value writer.WriteElementString Nested data writer.WriteEndElement..

How to put an encoding attribute to xml other that utf-16 with XmlWriter?


Field field in fields writer.WriteStartElement item writer.WriteAttributeString name field.Id writer.WriteAttributeString value field.Value.. item writer.WriteAttributeString name field.Id writer.WriteAttributeString value field.Value writer.WriteEndElement writer.WriteEndElement..